Copy paste of my experience ( part of it)

1 year ago

Hello i sent a couple of days my story
And i want to update that i need help as soon as possible

Im a targeted individual and have been abused since many years. I lately found out by the black sea. Which turcs who are playing a part lives right in front. They moved in maybe 4 years ago or more or less.. hard to say with everything that happened lately and world situation. And i understood why i had all these problems going on.. i figured out a part. A big part of something true. About the spiritual community. I was a christian and then changed to spiritual community. That doesnt seem right. Anyway. The organised criminals and spiritual community seems to work together. Of course with religions being involved too.. no lawyers answer me. House is tapped. Found a bug and got the proof with my equipment. Everybody against me. They are all playing a big deception to get me off what i figured out.. and worst part they took things from me. + many racketing. Mental abuse. Physical abuse. And psychical abuse if you believe in that. Im a hsp person. Highly sensitive but not the crying ones.. anyway. These people either want to use me or make me forget what i figured out. You have no idea about the oppression i endure. I dream to be free one day from it.. but my health is degrading and they not letting me live. Family under control. A woman who is an energitician named Evelyn coq or cok. Maybe an alias if i want to go deep. She works at sint amandsplein 5 1853 strombeek bever Holistisch Therapeut | Cok Evelyn | Grimbergen

She either is being used or in on it. Or playing a part.
They are playing a big deception and have been playing with my emotions and health. After i got poisoned and somebody intentionaly put me into a primitive state. ( i dont know how honestly) but body feels different and so is my intuition. And father brought me weed ( which i asked ) to get thru what i was going thru. And it is like one hand plays a magic trick to divert me while something real is happening on the hidden side then i go jump on it and i get fooled. I dont always fall in the trap.. but this is psychologically inhumane. They do their wrongdoings and justify it with lies. They kept blaming the marijuana smoking. But i was already slightly worried before all this from being a targeted individual and always weird things happening. They change their aproach many times depending what i said everytime as explanation.. and the more i said.. the more i just wanted to cry in bed. These crimes done towards me and family should be punished and damages have to be paid. When i was living in jordan for 3 years in a french school. The third year somebody like always advised my mother to a doctor for me. The doc did test allergy. Small Cuts on the back or arms and testing ingredients. Its supposed to be an allergy shot fixer. But i swear since that year.. it changed me. And everytime i listened to parents.. i ended up doing a surgery or get internal damages.

Then in 2016 i was sweating for an entire hear 3-4 times a night. I was exhausted beyond return. I learned to heal myself thru holistic but of course since they hear about the vitamines i take thru the bug in the living room. They were playing it against me. And i swear im sure. People got inside the house and did things. Because in the end when they started terrorising family.. they were letting them in. DONT LISTEN TO THEM.. it seems they are very persuasive or people just surrender to their fear. I dont know.. because i contact police and nothing. They have dug a big hole to make me fall and they keep going down. They are not stoping. I never gave consent to endure this. Its mostly all technological. There is no demons ! They blame it on that yes but i promise you if its not 100% it is at least 70% of it. + the gangstalking when going outside.

My address : sint annalaan 132 A vilvorde belgium
They destroyed me. And i want to legally destroy them all. No mercy. They took my life and rewards. I barely had money durig entire life. I get handicap money because of what they did to me in 2011 ( received it 10 years later because nobody was legit helping me to get it. Only half fake tries)
Abused like you can t imagine
And they cant admit because if they did admit.. the consequences would be gigantic so they only going harder with their lies. Which is messed up. I can maybe not make a big fuss about it but only in exchange of legal payement for my pain which i will set in court. And an apology from each. And each one confessing to their lies and all the times they left me confused. Not forcing me with a woman or any arranged mariage like they passively tried even tho it was probably a deception. They are confusing me and draining me on purpose. And in the same they tell me take vitamines.. imagine the ***kery.

And here is a copy paste of my previous message i sent the other day :


I have a long story that i can tell you.. and with time i find out why i was a targeted individual then later on a criminal organisation is behind it.

I tried to fight many many times but it seems that i am losing, almost everything is documentated. The police is not helping me

I contacted the police via email 2 or 3 times. One of them answered when i filled a police harassment report and explaining my situation. It seems all they cared about is if i knew their names or remember anything involving them.

If u can please send me an email where i can send you some documents explaining a couple of things.

Im george asfour born in belgium ( vilvorde) 22/10/1993

They are using my family against me.. and it seems its been going on since a long time but then when i started to speak more about it. Its my mother and brother then sister who just suddenly flipped.

I dont know how much time i got left before they own me for good. They tried a couple of scenarios lately PUSHING me to commit a crime. But i didnt, i instead destroy a tv.laptop, some plates..

They are trying hard to incriminate me.. some days now its calm and other days they send my family to push me and make me lloook like i am the problem. But i promise you as a targeted individual of 28 years old.. im not the problem. I can tell you so much that you might cry rivers from it.. anyway my adress : sint annalaan 132 A vilvorde 1800 belgium

Please its kinda urgent.. i know i should of had contact you people

Note : i woke up one day like if someone poisoned me. I was under a primitive state for a month maybe then i gradually got back to myself. And under that primitive state they were acting with no mercy. Pushing me buttons after buttons... and the day i got very angry because i woke up angry and wanted to go in my backyard to stomp on some dead wood but found that one of the doors leading to the street is open ( which is very odd. A wooden door, not the green one near main entrance. Anyway if i proceeded with my emotions or more like induced rage i would of probably have hurted my mother. Months later i reflected and thought that if i did. We have a big window on the side of the living room. Im sure somebody was filming. And when i say that i have been poisoned its something tingling on my middle back left side. Never had before and i understand why people scratch this area of the back.and why people have all these weird symptoms who suddenly enter in their lives. But anyway this another story. One part of the crim org is probably black sea but im sure there is more.. i just can t figure out specially when they are not letting me think.. i be going outside for a walk to decompress.. i come home and father yells at me.. its unlivable.. and going to live alone by myself is not possible because of my handicap but also not safe. I found a bug in my living room. I have the video proving it.

Please do something.. i am beyond tired.

Thank you

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