Ripped Heart Prod 💔 Vol. 6 Mourning Dump 💿 2002 💿 Michigan Underground Punk, Hardcore, Metal, Rock

3 years ago

Ripped Heart Prod 💔 Vol. 6 Mourning Dump 💿 2002 💿 Michigan Underground Punk, Hardcore, Metal, Rock

From the CD insert:

"Mourning Dump"
It is about joy, dropping the sadness and finding contentment... through the music, scene and friends, and beyond. The Lord turned my mourning into dancing ...

Wow! This is Volume 6 a!ready and I didn't even start doing the compilations until IO years after I started running shows. I've been doing this for so long I don't know if I know how to do anything else any more. Over the years (and recently) I've changed what I do and how Ripped Heart has done things, but the goals of Ripped Heart has remained the same (raising up the Underground Christian Scene in Michigan) but man has the scene changed (again and again). Music, and the scene (any scene of any style) can have such a huge impact on somebody.

I hear people all the time talking about how much punk rock or hardcore has made a difference to them in their lives. .. I was at a funeral this summer for a family member ... He was from a very different 'scene' than me but I was amazed at how much music was a part of his and his friends lives (he was buried in a band shirt, metal played at the funeral) it not only was a part of his life, but a part of how his mate and friends dealt with his death. Seeing that. I never want to find myself belittling someone else's scene or music. Music is a very big part of many of us. It also made me think again about the importance of what I do in the scene. Whether we mean to or nor what music we put out may become a big part of how people live their lives and deal with death. For some the scene is just background noise for awhile during the high school years and that is fine, I hope you enjoy what we do. But to others the scene is much more than that... to you, I hope we have something of substance to offer you.

1. Bestiary - Fist Fight (St. Johns Metal) (0:00)
2. Priority: R.A.G.E. - Liar (Grand Rapids Female Fronted Metal) (3:29)
3. Desiring Dead Flesh - A Day With Dad (Bay City Old Skool Punk) (6:59)
4. Desiring Dead Flesh - Cannibal (Bay City Old School Punk) (8:16)
5. Desiring Dead Flesh - Rainbow (Bay City Old School Punk) (8:52)
6. Desiring Dead Flesh - Holidays (Bay City Old School Punk) (9:20)
7. The Scoundrels - We Will Not Tolerate Sin (10:21)
8. The Scoundrels - You're in Control (11:48)
9. Four Deadly Plagues - Unborn Future (Live) (13:51)
10. Four Deadly Plagues - Quit Using Your Ancestors (Live) (14:50)
11. Midnight Society - Hell Hath No Fury (Live) (Saginaw Rock) (15:53)
12. Four Year Vacation - Ten Mile Crawl (Live) (Saginaw Rock) (17:26)
13. The Fallen Idols - Jungle Face (Punk from Grand Haven) (21:15)
14. Death by Bobcat - Prideful Boy (24:01)
15. Green Means Go - You're Cooler Than Me (Grand Rapids Chick Punk) (26:40)
16. Green Means Go - No Boys Allowed (Grand Rapids Chick Punk) (28:43)
17. E.D.D. - Pickles (Rock/Metal) (30:46)
18. Secretion - Fade (Death Metal from Detroit) (33:55)
19. Three Times Life - The Mighty Cason (New Metal from Detroit) (37:59)
20. 88 Miles Per Hour - Something You're Not (Pigeon Rock Punk) (40:39)
21. 88 Miles Per Hour - Dropout (Pigeon Rock Punk) (43:15)
22. Struggle for Meaning - Sanctity (Punk from Grand Rapids) (44:50)
23. The Serenity Retail - 10-3 (Mt. Pleasant Indie Rock) (49:00)
24. Electronic Chaos - 2am (Mid-Michigan Electronic) (53:10)
25. Phil Forsyth - Crybaby (56:44)
26. Angry Little Freak - You Think It's Hell (Ann Arbor) (58:19)

Released October 2002. All songs belong to the bands. All songs used with permission

A part of The Ripped Heart Collection. Digitized and archived in 2019-2020 by Scene and Unseen Archiving.

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