Jab Your Way To Freedom

2 years ago


Written and performed by Nathan Sykes for New Australian Bulletin
Visit us at www.newaustralianbulletin.com


Covid sceptics in denial, Glowing serum in a vial
Going nowhere fast or slow, Censors, cameras, tracers, show
Check your facts, misinformation,
Roll ‘em up or else face treason, you may jab your way to freedom

Do as I say, don’t do nothing, Zip it up, Worse is coming
Tough love, a big-nosed Jackal, Words can kill, deniers heckle
Control of risky information, Eyes roll back, Inflammation,
Double dose, Elimination, Jab your way to salvation

Your reward, QR-code stamp , Eyes forward, a freedom camp
Wires high, rifles levelled, Davos guards, Vaccine rebels
No jab no job no stamp no eat, No property, no home no meat
Who won’t follow, Won’t see reason, Do it now, jab for freedom

Coming soon Omega Man, Zombie vaxxers, Rosemary’s pram
It’s Davos stupid, a global plan, I got vaxxed therefore I am
Cops patrol by the legion, Drawing curtains, season to season
Your only choice, a jab for freedom

Proudly jabbed, willingly bitten, Dreadful ache, Kind of living
Masses drop like sheeple zapped, A compromise, a cunning trap
Vaccine in the water tap, Big smile, needle capped
On a high, on a mountain, Two plus five plus I stopped countin’

Life in lockdown shrinks the mind, Like a lifer doing time,
Think twice, close the door, No sound of bombs, but this is war
Job too hard? Shoot the client, Make ‘em all COVID compliant
Wokeness leads to COVID wisdom, do it now,
Jab your way to freedom

COVID is our new religion, Jab ‘em in the softer regions
Jab ‘em hard, till they cry, Jab ‘em all, Jab ‘em high
Jab ‘em when you see the whites of their eyes, Jabbees win the booby prize
Out of rubbish, there come lies, A jab that comes in every size
Now we’re equal, now we’re even, Jab like a bastard for your freedom!

Covid cluster, singles bubble, Now we’re all in for trouble
Lock the playgrounds, Make ‘em eat masks
Davos friendly, Davos farce
Jab me tender, Jab my arse

Jabbing Judas, Jabbing beauty
Jabbing fool, Jabbing cutie
No way, no siree, You are jabbing up the wrong tree,
Take your fear, your Pfizer needle, Your authoritarian power evil,
I’ll take a pass, I’ll be leaving,
I’ll take the less jabbed path to freedom

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