3 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches today. 11-07-20.

VERSES: Galatians 2:17-21, 5:13-21; Matthew 19:20; 2nd Timothy 4:3; Job 42:6



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We have looked at the first part of a key doctrine of Christianity in the first 6 verses of this chapter; that of how we as Christians have died to the Law of Moses, our ‘first husband’, and are free of its/His demands and condemnation. And speaks to how we are now (through the death of the body of Christ and His resurrection) ‘married to another’ being thereby provided for under the Law of Grace in Christ Jesus, our 2nd and Lawful Husband. The Christian’s battleground and rules of engagement are being declared now to be within their soul, and is now for the first time defined in the 5th and 6th verses; as the enmity between flesh and the spirit. In that now, through the provision of Grace (the Divine Influence of the Holy Spirit) from the Lord, the Christian is to fulfill the calling of God in this Age of Mercy and Grace in the calling out of a people. That is, to bring…many sons to glory and that by the means of serving God in the newness of spirit, and not trying to serve Him in the impossibility of in the oldness of the letter (of the Law of Moses). (Romans 7:6)

Paul, being inspired by the Holy Spirit, has laid the groundwork in the first 6 chapters; that of justification, and freedom from condemnation from Sin and its condemnation that came to us through Adam’s sin, and freedom from the Law of Moses and its condemnation that we might serve God in newness of spirit unto the essential doctrinal truth of the 7th chapter where Paul has brought us to the fulcrum on which all the equal weight of doctrine on both sides of the epistle hinges, the internal battle within between the spirit and the flesh, the very pinnacle of Christian reality.

VERSE 7 “What should we say then? Is the law (of Moses; judicial, ceremonial, and moral) sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law (of Moses). For I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.” (Paul personalizes his words to tie himself to the Romans and to us.)

Paul is now moving from justification in the Gospel of God unto even greater news of sanctification. Paul in verses 5&6 introduces the idea of the struggle of the flesh and spirit, and now begins the teaching of the Holy Spirit on God’s intended internal work of salvation; beyond the spirit to the soul and body. (He justifies us that He may, through our cooperation, sanctify us, and then He can glorify us.) But first we must be confronted with the flesh’s very real continuing presence, and that for the rest of our lives on earth, as part of ‘me’ although ‘I’ am also regenerated and a New Man joined to Jesus Christ. That truth is what is being revealed in the rest of this chapter. So ‘I’ is now currently made up of both the New Man and the Old Man (stated in this way for the purpose of understanding the duality of a born again Christian of both spirit and flesh). The ‘I’ in Verse 7 is representative of Paul and is used some 50 plus times in this chapter. We need to see ourselves as being included as a part of Paul’s references to all the personal pronouns ‘me’ ‘we’ ‘I’ ‘us’. The inward battle understanding begins as he explains the Law of Moses part but how then it is in utter hopelessness of our advancing spiritually, that is, in the serving and pleasing of God through the Law of Moses. In that the Law was designed by God to reveal our sin nature to us, not to sanctify us. (See Romans 5:20)

Chapter 6 dealt with the freedom from sin and its authority and control over the soul and body…“Sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law but under grace”. Romans 7 deals with freedom from the Law of Moses, in that Chapter 7 now teaches us that deliverance from sin is not enough in itself for us to serve and please God, but we must also be delivered out from under the Law of Moses. Chapter 7 is an explanation as to why the new man must not look to the Law of Moses for sanctification. As Grace is not provided/attainable under the Law of Moses. It is to be the discovery of Paul in Chapter 7 and applicable to all Christians. The Holy Spirit is showing us that in spite of the Old Man being crucified in us through faith in Christ’s Atonement, the sin nature remains within. And that sanctification was not realized in regeneration and that a Christian must contend with the flesh throughout his career calling (for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14)

Or is sanctification now to be realized even by the will of the new man formed within to serve God....


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