WND Exclusive - The Second Amendment is an Absolute Right

1 year ago

by: Brent Smith

I’ve recently been reading and watching some videos on the Second Amendment and the absolute right (yes Joe, I said absolute) of the individual to keep and bear arms.

For those unfamiliar with the term, “to keep and bear arms;” to keep is to have or accumulate, to own. To bear – well I’ll let one of the founders, Noah Webster define it. In his dictionary first published in 1828, he defined “bear” as, “to wear; to bear a mark of authority or distinction; as to bear a sword…”

So the Second Amendment affirms the absolute right to own and carry arms, openly or concealed, without a license or permit, or any other governmental interference.

One of the videos was a “Ted” talk, entitled, “The Much Misunderstood Second Amendment,” by, attorney William Harwood, that took place in Portland, Maine, 2018...

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