The original name of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation connects a lot of dots

1 year ago

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was originally called the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control. 👀


1. Recent documentary 'Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda'

This documentary shows how WHO and the Gates Foundation started a program in Africa where girls in reproductive age were encouraged to get many tetanus vaccine injections, even though one injection is supposed to provide protection for 10 years. When doctors sent the vaccine fluid to independent laboratories for analysis, they found that the injections also contained infertility causing hormones. 🤔

Research performed as early as 1987 showed that many injections of this or other hormones were required to reduce fertility. Note that the COVID 'vaccines' also require ongoing boosters.

2. Pfizer's own study on rats showed, among other things, between 17% and 139% increase in pre-implantation loss, which is the body's rejection of an in vitro fertilized (IVF) egg:

Pfizer COVID vaxx research in rats shows decreased fertility, increased congenital anomalies

A biodistribution study ordered by the Japanese government, showed that the highly inflammatory lipid nanoparticles contained in the Pfizer's and Moderna's COVID jabs, accumulate in the ovaries. If it were to damage the eggs, which is entirely possible, this would cause irreversible fertility damage.

Note that this were just the lipid nanoparticles. No research was performed on the nanoparticles with the included mRNA, as in the actual injections. It's likely that these will be even more harmful.

3. A recent peer-reviewed study shows that the COVID jab reduces male fertility (for which the Total Motile Count, TMC is a good metric) by 22%:

Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors

The article claims this effect to be temporary, but provides no convincing proof for this to be the case. Booster shots may cause further temporary or permanent reduction.

4. Scientific article 'Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases'.

According to dr. Lee Merritt, this article describes research on making mice infertile by injecting them with an infertility causing vaccine. When the vaccinated mice rub up against unvaccinated mice, these other mice also become infertile. This goes on for about 3 cycles, after which it fizzles out, because they don't want to eradicate the entire mice population.

5. Bill Gates says he DISCOURAGED Trump to investigate vaccine safety (2018)

If Gates (1) has population health as his main priority, (2) is certain that all vaccines are necessary, safe and effective, and (3) high quality safety research would increase vaccine uptake, why would he discourage safety research? Conversely, if he discouraged safety research, what does this say about the previous 3 motivations and beliefs?

6. It is rumored that Gates, one of the most prominent promoters of mass vaccination, refused to have his own children injected with the regular vaccines on the schedule. If this is true, what do his actions say about his beliefs in the necessity, safety and efficacy of vaccines? If his words conflict with his actions, which should we believe, especially when we know Gates has many financial and other conflicts of interest?

7. Gates' 2010 TED Talk titled 'Innovating to zero!'

Gates basically explains that people harm the planet. Therefore, all else equal, less people is better. He mentions mass vaccination as one approach to achieve population reduction. He explains that if (future) parents know and trust that more of their children will survive, they will opt for less children.

Infertility causing (or fertility reducing) vaccines would be a more direct way that vaccines could lead to population reduction. Since it would be unlikely that people would get these injections for themselves or their children if they were informed in advance of fertility reducing effects, the people in the know would have to make sure this information was kept tightly under wraps.

Another possibility to achieve population reduction, is to just murder people quickly or slowly with mass injections that cause, for example, heart attacks, blood clots, cancer, reduced immune function (VAIDS), or damage to the nerves or brain.

This is of course a conspiracy theory, but we now have more than enough circumstantial evidence to distrust people like Gates. Distrusting people with an informational advantage, is more than enough reason by itself to refuse their crap.


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