Polaris news - The Human mind, justifications, CP, and Mediums

3 years ago

Waving and welcome to another broadcast with the maul of truth from the Polaris nation.

we've all been seeing and hearing the Blow out on netflix's movie, cuties.

i've watched a few other channels talkin about this horrid movie, its just bad what netflix is doing.

but this is nothing new, CP has been around for the past decade or 2.

it's been on various medium's, television… internet… an asian cartoon medium known as lolicon… etc.

whats sickening is there are some who will justify it based on the medium, namely lolicon.

i'm gonna draw up on a known hypocrisy.

take dogs for example.

The Pitbull has a bad rep cause of MSM and some rappers who used the dog to up their image as a bad boy.

and cause of the small number of pitbull owners who don't have the will to handle what cesar milan deems… a gladiator breed.

a proper trained, exercised, and cared for pitbull is a calm friendly dog.

this goes with any dog, training, exercise, and care.

the human mind, having the ability to rationalize things can see the same thing 2 different ways.

i present to you, scenario one… a pitbull is growling at you, it is a dangerous dog, in your mind

scenario two… a little tiny chihuahua is growling at you, how cute, you wanna hug it and let it chew on you.

cause its cute.

this is the dog's mind, it sees something it doesn't know, it sees you as a possible threat, it can and will defend itself or its owner.

size doesn't matter in a mind of a dog, pitbull or chihuahua, both can be equally agressive.

A dog's mind is absolutes, the moment its dealing with, what it sees, smells, and hears.

this is the comparison that best matches the doublestandards on CP based on the medium that i can see.

the ultimate thing I am gettin at, is if its cute, its ok.

don't blow the internet up over it, cause its cute, adorable.

but then a movie like netflix's cuties comes along.

then the ones who are ok with the thing they see as cute, they will come out in force.

blow up the internet, take to the streets, protest this atrocity, and yes, it is an atrocity.

yes it is wrong, nobody should be sexualizing kids via any medium.

cuties is bad, very bad, but lolicon is ok, becuase its not real.

lolicon is cute, look at those absurdly large cartoon boobies for a 13 year old, so cute

adorable… look at that 50+ year old cartoon man hump the 13 year old cartoon girl… cute

this is the programmed flaw in your human mind, programmed over time to accept it, to justify it

its a cartoon, its not real, its ok, in your mind.

cuties bad… cartoon kiddy porn… thats ok, not real, dont soil your undies.

wrong, CP is CP, and should not be justified just cause of its medium of delivery you your eyes and ears.

imagine the mid 90s, your watching the lion king.

and scar proceeds to mate with nala.

the outrage would be so enormously huge, that disney would've lost their butts on it.

cause some people were not programmed to accept it, it was still wrong it their mind, cartoon or no cartoon.

this is the time difference between then and now… so much has changed… too much is now allowed to pass.

this is the heavy polaran moral maul of truth, if you agree with Polaran media, give this video a thumbs up.

we are QRT for now, 73s and carry this maul of truth everyone.

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