Alleghany and Pike, California

3 years ago

Music: Nashville guitar legend Justin Johnson, from the “Drivin’ It Down” double album, song is “Loose Change” = IMDb bio

Out for another Sunday ride, haven’t been to Alleghany since the old hotel burned down long ago. And never been to Pike proper.
There was a little haze in the air, but not bad yet. California’s annual record-setting fire season wouldn’t get underway for another week or two.
Pike had me looking at maps when I got back; did I miss it? No, that was Pike. Ran out of pavement. Only one building, and it looked abandoned.
Forest is another tiny ghost town nearby, but at least it has the ruins of a town - or did, last time I was there.
So, if you’ve ever had a hankerin’ to visit Alleghany or Pike - and who hasn’t - this video will serve as an intro to what you may find. Enjoy!

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