FREE SEMINAR The Schumann Resonance and the Human Energy Field

3 years ago

I'd like to share this free seminar I created just for you! The Schumann Resonance and the Human Energy Field, FREE SEMINAR

Each section of the video creates the foundation for the concepts discussed in the next chapter.

PLEASE SHARE - this really helps me!!

Inspired Energy Musings: (Part 1: You Embody Your Soul)
PART 1 (from start to 27:45 minutes)

Co-creation and your choice to embody the authority of your Soul.

- The Divine - the Soul powers our life.
- A primer on co-creation: A personal story, the mechanics of co-creation, how to co-create with the Divinity that you are.
- Working with and communicating with spiritual beings and celestial beings.
- You can embody Divine authority as a living Soul in a human body.
- Empowerment comes from the Soul - from our own personal connection with the Creator.

Inspired Energy Musings: (Part 2: The Human Energy Field)
PART 2 (at 27:45 minutes through 1:12:36)

The Human Energy Field presented through images of energy, frequency and energetic movement.

- How Soul connection - connection with God powers the Human Energy Field.
- How energy balances in our human energy field when we are disconnected from our Soul and disconnected from God.
- Existing in this state is akin to saying we are ‘living in the matrix’.
- How the Soul activates and clears the human energy field.
- How to embody zero point in your physical body’s energy and in your personal energy field.
- How we can downshift out of zero point and a centered energetic state, how the energy moves, and how to reverse this process.
- Awakening as an opportunity to return to a relationship with God.
- Awakening as an opportunity to consciously embody the Soul.

Schumann Resonance Chart Discussion: (Part 3)
PART 3 (at 1:12:36 to end)

Discussion of the current Schumann Resonance, correlating images in the chart back to the discussion of energy dynamics in Parts 1 & 2.

- How the dynamics of energy movement in the human energy field mirror the information we can discern from the Schumann Resonance chart images.
- Discussion of specific images and how they reflect different human energy field structures, based on the extent to which we embody shadow or light.

PLEASE SHARE - this really helps me!!

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Gratitude 🙏 

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Data Source: Schumann data from Space Observing System, Tomsk, Ru.

Recent videos:

Schumann Resonance and Energy August 14 2020,
Protection for our Lives and Soul

Schumann Resonance and Energy August 14 INCOMING PART 1,
Red Goes to 40 Hertz

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Schumann Resonance August 8, The LIONS GATE, YOU ARE THE VALUE
Schumann Resonance for Beginners:

Schumann Resonance - Black Line - NO DATA
- No Data What Does it Mean?
- What is the black line or large space in some charts?

Schumann Resonance - What the Heck is It?

Why the Images are Important -
- Human Effects on the Schumann Resonance

Schumann Resonance - Making Sense of the Components of the Charts
How to Analyze the Data

Man Praying in Forest from Pixabay by Benjamin Balazs

Lonely Man from Pixabay by Jian Peng Shao

North Wind from Pixabay by Pandanna Imagen

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Video audio, commentary and typed notes © 2020 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this video on other blogs and websites as long as the author’s credit and live link back to this channel and/or my blog are included and as long as the blog or video platform is accessible free of charge and the video is offered without payment.

Thank you for sharing!

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