Loud House Series: Episode 11 A Terrible Truth Revealed

1 year ago

After having to spend hours waiting on Lana's Radiation Treatment to be concluded, Lana's treatment finally ends, thanks to Dr Johnathan Armstrong Hawkins, who finally concludes her painful treatment.

This in turn allows Lincoln to finally speak with Lana again, where Lincoln during the course of the hours on waiting for Lana Loud, was still considering running away, but actually starts to also admit that running away from his sisters could be a bad idea, that could lead to the destruction of the entire Loud Family, and that he was partially on the fence, and even admits that Lori's Anger problems is not why he wanted to run away either.

Unfortunately Lincoln's conversation with Lana soon becomes heated, after Lincoln brings up a certain memory he had with Lana at the time, which in turn Lincoln claimed that on some occasions Lana made him uneasy, Angered, Lana promises Lincoln that once she is released from the hospital and is radiation free, that she would get Lincoln help in hopes that he would not be scared or creeped out by her anymore, but Lincoln counters this, after he had noticed that Lana Loud's behavior was no different then 2 other of his sisters who would end up clashing with Ronnie Anne clashing back in the day, and Lana Loud being no different, then the others.

Despite a rocky Conversation which occured at Roga City Hospital, Lincoln is able to reveal that despite Lola and Lynn Loud's outbursts which caused bitter fighting between Ronnie Anne and the Loud Sisters, Lana herself is also responsible for one of these fights, in which Lincoln does confront Lana for her actions, she is hesitant at first, until Lincoln does some double thinking and believes that the only reason that Lana may have attacked Ronnie Anne the way she did, was mainly due to fear of her taking him away.

Lana is quick to divert and agree with this, but why? Is she hiding something? Lincoln is soon asked kindly by Dr Hawkins to leave, as visiting hours are over. Lincoln proudly leaves, but this time agrees to try and stick around for a few more days, in order to see what happens, much to the delight of Lana Loud.

However, things back in the Loud House, are not getting any better, in fact Lori's worries for Lincoln, is starting to cause her to lose sleep and struggle in Collage, it was even mentioned by Luna that her lack of sleep for the past several days is completely alarming, but Lori assures everyone that she is okay, and convinces Luna, and Lynn to rest up in order to receive energy for a future search.

Leni then arrives with a photo album, which shocks Lori, as she figured that the album was taken by their mother and father aft they vanished without a trace, and asks to see it. Leni is happy to oblige, and Lori is able to see past events of her as a child and how much of a strong relationship, she had with Lincoln back in the day, in fact it was even stated by Leni that after Lincoln was born, Lori was so happy to have him, and wouldn't even let Leni herself play with him. It was even stated that sometime in the past Lori would bring Lincoln to Royal Woods Park, which was mostly meant just for the 2 of them, but one day in 2016, Leni convinced Lori to bring her, Luna, Lynn and Luan as well, even though she didn't want to, she resented and allowed them to come along, featuring to one last picture of the group in the park..

However, one last photograph bothers Lori badly, which reveals a photo taken in 2018, showing Lori and Lincoln one final time, with smiles on their faces. Lori decides to go and seek advice from an old friend, Sponge524, who at the time is still in Regents Park Street this time giving advice to CookieLover556 Animations. Lori remembers where she first met up with Sponge524 and returns to Regents Park Street in hopes of seeking guidance, where we later learn of a terrible truth, on why Lori really hates the photograph, as the day that last picture was taken, was the day that her loving strong relationship with Lincoln had ended, and marked the beginning of her Cellphone Addiction and the time she met Bobby.

And it gets worse, rumor's now has it, due to memories of Lori Loud back in 2020, that Mister and Misses Loud may have not vanished without a trace after all, and might have just decided to abandon the kids. It is not know if this is true or not, but right now all evidence by far is pointing to that.

However, she is scared that this so called hidden truth, could involved Lincoln Loud, and if this is true, this could mean that something was hidden from her as a child, that her Mother and father would not say, the only question is, what is it?

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