Nicole Borghi - What's got you TRIGGERED!!!

3 years ago

What's got you TRIGGERED!!!
You're having an emotional reaction to an event
Perhaps social media has triggered you
Maybe it's even your family that's triggered you
It could even be your boss
Either way your triggered your in a state of mind of anger stress and you can't seem to function to reach your goals
I've been there myself I didn't have the ability to recognize what it was that was triggering me. I learned through self leadership 💯 to be in awareness of my moods and my situations what upset me, what made me angry. I didn't even know what made me happy.
What I learned was to embrace my moods my emotions my passions in order to reach my goals. I learned what my Passions were, what my purpose was & to reach my goals.
changing my mindset increased Frequency changes in my emotions. as I aligned in my frequencies in my body & exercised, meditated & got some sunshine I learned what emotions triggered me. I was now I in a state of awareness.I have the emotional intelligence to recognise what's going to trigger me and stop it before it happens. I have the motivation and the courage to complete my goals to be successful & be a badass at life
💠 awareness of moods
💠 motivation to reach goals
💠 courage 2 transform & be happy

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