No gas to Europe for free: Gazprom, Gasum confirm stop of gas exports to Finland

2 years ago

Russian energy giant Gazprom confirms its full-stop to natural gas deliveries to Finland after Finnish company Gasum failed to pay in rubles for the previous supplies, Russia’s company said in a statement on Saturday.

"Gazprom has cut off its gas supplies to Gasum (Finland) due to a failure of the latter to pay for the gas deliveries in rubles," the statement reads.

"As of the end of the work day on May 20, Gazprom Export did not receive a payment from Gasum for gas deliveries in April in line with the [Russian] presidential order…"

The Russian company also stated that it delivered 1.49 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Finland in 2021, which amounted up to 67% of the total volume of the supplied natural gas to this country last year.
*** Russia's Gazprom on Saturday halted gas exports to neighbouring Finland, the Finnish gas system operator said, the latest escalation of an energy payments dispute with Western nations.
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