Russian helicopters wipe out combat positions around Ukrainian airdrome

2 years ago

The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video showing a group of Ka-52 helicopters in action while providing support for an airborne assault operation at one of Ukraine’s military airdromes.

"A group of Ka-52 and Mi-24 attack helicopters has wiped out the positions of man-portable air defense systems, antiaircraft fire emplacements and armored vehicles of the Ukrainian army along a military airdrome’s perimeter," the Defense Ministry said, adding that the helicopters used missiles and firearms and different types of maneuver, thus ensuring the safe landing of a tactical assault force at the airdrome.

Air crews promptly spotted camouflaged air defense weapons and positions of man-portable missiles hiding behind civilian vehicles. Russian pilots skillfully used the onboard weapons to wipe out the airdrome’s air defenses.

The Defense Ministry said the commander of the group’s leading Ka-52 helicopter came under heavy fire of man-portable missiles but managed to cover a group of Mi-8 helicopters carrying the assault force.

The leading helicopter was attacked with portable missiles and other antiaircraft weapons eighteen times. Eventually it made a forced landing and its crew maintained an all-round defense under heavy fire until the arrival of a follow-up group of helicopters. The damaged helicopter’s crew remained unharmed and was eventually taken to base by the follow-up assault group.

"The airborne assault was carried out without any losses thanks to the courage and heroism of the forward group of Ka-52 and Mi-24 helicopters," the Defense Ministry said.

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