Abortion is a Death Cult

1 year ago

Abortion is a Satanic Death Cult. To vote for Democrats is to support and condone the murder of innocent unborn children. The National Socialist Party of Germany AKA The Nazi Party justified the slaughter of 6 million Jews based on the belief that the Jew was subhuman and not worthy to exist therefore the Holocaust was the action taken to achieve the final solution. Similarly, women have been not simply allowed to have abortions but have been encouraged to have abortions which is a lucrative business for #PlannedParenthood and other institutions through taxpayer money and fees collected. Not to mention the sale of body parts for research purposes. This is all Justified because the Baby or as they say the fetus in the womb is not a human and legally has no rights under the Constitution of the US. One innocent unborn child is ripped out of their mother’s every 90 Seconds in America.

The Slave, Dred Scott was considered sub-human based on false assumptions and lies by the Supreme Court of the USA. Therefore he was considered property or chattel. Just like the Dred Scott decision, Roe vs Wade considered the human child in utero is non-human, and therefore killing it was not murder. The child is no different than cancer growing in the womb that can to chopped up and removed at any point during the pregnancy... One innocent unborn child is ripped out of the womb every 90 seconds in America... congress will not even protect a child nine months old... judgment is come to America which has slaughtered over 65 million innocent unborn babies!

If #blacklivesmatter so much then why are over a third of the abortions each day killing black babies? Black women comprise only 7% of our population in America yet 38% of abortions in America are black babies being slaughtered in the womb. The Democrat party couldn’t care less. Silence is what is heard regarding this barbaric atrocity. The democrat party pours a half-billion dollars of taxpayers' money a year into #PlannedParenthood which in turn gives that money back to corrupt politicians to run for reelection in order to keep abortion legal in America and the revenue stream high and the black genocide happening in the womb.

#abortion is the sacrament of the #democrats- The Holocaust that took place during the Nazi control of Germany. Dr. Leo Alexander at the Nuremberg Trials said that the Holocaust did not begin with the killing of unwanted Jews (Jews were considered Sub-human -vermin) but began with the belief that there is such a thing as a "life unworthy to be lived". Today, like the Nazis, mothers have the legal right to exterminate their Unborn Child for any reason including inconvenience, and at any time. Is that not the same as a "Life Unworthy to be Lived? #Abortion has Killed way more innocent humans than Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao combined.

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