Depraved Nazi Collaborator Ben Wallace's Futile Attempt to Train Ukraine Canon Fodder in Lost War

1 year ago

British forces start training Ukrainian recruits into frontline soldiers
Press TV
09 July 2022

The first group of new Ukrainian recruits has started to be trained into frontline soldiers by British forces across the United Kingdom, as London pledges to continue its military and financial assistance to Kiev in its war with Moscow.

Nearly five months into the Ukraine-Russia war, the recruits, operating in contingents of about 200, have been arriving from their home country to the UK on a daily basis to begin a super intensive training program offered by British soldiers.

According to a statement by the UK’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) on Saturday, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace met the first cohort on Thursday.

“Using the world-class expertise of the British Army, we will help Ukraine to rebuild its forces and scale-up its resistance as they defend their country’s sovereignty and their right to choose their own future,” Wallace said, adding that the program is the next phase of the UK support for Ukraine’s military.

The ministry said the major UK-led military program would train up to 10,000 Ukrainian volunteer recruits over the coming months, adding that “the course covers weapons handling, battlefield first aid, field craft, patrol tactics and the Law of Armed Conflict.”

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