🙏 A Message of Hope or Not...Choose A Side...but not about gun rights

1 year ago

🐑 Sadly, the passionate proclamation by this great man, that God will see us through, does not consider the reason that our founding fathers included the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of The United States. It is their proposition that self-defense and defense from TIRANNY is God given RIGHTS.

Unlike Sandy Hook, an indisputable and horrible tragedy, there is obvious malfeasance and criminality on the part of the police that allowed many of the victims to "BLEED OUT" that may have been saved if willing heroes were allowed to challenge the lone gunman.

A conspiracy theory might go like this, “the NRA was having a convention in Houston, how can we use this tragedy to contrast the "gun nuts" in Houston.

There is little doubt that our state government officials are being influenced by large Soros contributions intent on installing far left ideologues.

A conspiracy might include officials within law enforcement that, while not liking their directives, respond or refrain from responding because they are trained to follow order. Without order there is chaos —which is what the political ideologues intend. To use the system, our government office, to facilitate the breakdown of order is TREASON.

Using our justice departments, from top to bottom, from the DOJ to the local prosecutors is a tactic articulate by the Russian Communist and described by the Russian DEFECTOR, Yuri Bezmenov in the 1980s interview with G Edward Griffin. The son of convicted Weather Underground bombers— armored car robbers and murderers of guards and police WAS a DA in CA — Chesa Boudin.

By out spending reform candidate from either party, or even the Green or Libertarian parties the Progressives aka Communists have installed extremists at all levels — and the RINOs and many Democrats, from Bill Clinton to many others, possibly, CJ John Robert, have been to Epstein's Island — where the FBI and CIA likely fought over the treasure trove of blackmail recordings of the rich and powerful.

While I conjecture that my friend is a little kookie, there does seem to be a lot of redactions and curious deaths over the last few years.

❓ My friend is convinced that the Capital Building tapes are not simply expository but implicate key member of the majority party in control of security—☭ Nancy. He calls them "Useful Idiots" and "Stooges," saying they really believe that violating their oath of office and the law serve their goal of control of the people that they think are too stupid to understand 🐑

❓ What MY FRIEND knows is that EVIL PEOPLE think the law does not apply to them and are willing to attack anyone that stands in their way 🔥

Communist teach that there are two paths to overthrow a country; through violence, as advocated by Mao and by political means. Lenin indicated that both are needed to be successful.

I posit that without guns, the Progressives (communist traitors funded by the CCP) might have already invoked the violent over of the US. The indoctrination of students over two decades, the installation leftist politicians and the recruitment of greedy amoral Americans from every strata of society— industry and finance have cashed in on the offerings from China. 📕 Read "Red Handed"

🎃 I'm not saying I believe them foks; well not all of it. I been trying ta figure out how politicians go into office without any skills or experience and stay 20, 30, even more than 50 years and become MILLIONAIRES.

Just seems that once elected they move to Virginia or Maryland. Count the name of the ones that have died in office! And the leader of the J6, Bennie Thompson, like Maxine, let their districts go to pot. Bennie blames whites for the failure of his state capital's water supply failure...who are the racist?

🙏 I pray that good will — will prevail. I hope that not citizen, democrat or republican will be forced to defend their home in a lawless country.

⚔️There is a reason for the 2nd Amendment. When citizens are surfs, they have no right to even carry a knife unless it is trade specific but sidearms of any kind are a granted privilege to the ruling class or their military by the king or dictator.

♻️Will green energy return us to the dark ages? Recycle symbol kind of looks like one of them Bible thumper sign of the beast!

⚖️Time for the entrenched bureaucrats to hedge their bets and pray for mercy of the court…. Justice won't be one sided. Facts and the spirit of the law will prevail. Due process and equal protection, not persecution by a hierarchy that dictates verdicts to fit their ideology….

⚛️It’s a hundred second till midnight…If I was YOU, I’d be talking unity not blaming peoples that just want their elected officials to represent them, not ta see how much power they can geet. ✨

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