Police Chief Released Body Cam In Response To a Social Media Video. New Haven PD. May 27 2020

4 years ago

#policearrest #NewHavenPolicedepartment
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NHPD Provides Update About Store Arrest

New Haven| On Wednesday, May 27, 2020, New Haven Police department officer arrested Richard E. Smith, Jr. The arrest stems from a shoplifting investigation at a Walmart retail store located at 315 Foxon Boulevard (Route 80). The 29 year
old New Haven man is charged with the following:
°Assault on a police officer.
°Interfering with a police officer.
 °Larceny fifth degree.
 °Possession of a controlled substance (three counts).
 °Possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell.
After his arrest, police said they found heroin and crack bagged for sale on Smith.

In response to a social media video which depicts a portion of the encounter, New Haven Police Chief Otoniel Reyes is offering an update on the arrest and making available the arresting officer’s body worn camera (BWC) footage.
Chief Reyes said, “The officers’ actions were appropriate under the circumstances and the use of force was appropriate under the circumstances.
The arresting officer’s body camera footage clearly shows the officer attempting to detain an individual, later identified as Richard E. Smith, Jr., who is suspected of trying to walk out the store without paying for a shopping cart of merchandise. The officer is injured as he and responding officers attempt to detain the man.”
Chief Reyes added, “During the incident, the man falsely identified himself as a Walmart employee when he is not and he claimed to have tried to make a purchase when he had not. Additionally, officers found the man in possession of a quantity of illegal drugs.”
“The officers did an excellent job and used the amount of force necessary to overcome the resistance of the man who refused to be arrested,” Chief Reyes said.

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