How to look stunning with oily skin, 3 ingredients

1 year ago

In this video, I will show you how to apply coffee on face to get rid of acne scars. Applying coffee directly on the skin can improve the appearance of scarring and dark spots. However, I have also added other two ingredients namely lemon peel powder and sandalwood powder.
These 3 ingredients are extremely beneficial for your skin care.
The lemon peel powder contains many useful components that help in treating various skin problems. These components have been proven to provide numerous benefits for the skin. Here are some of them:.
- Vitamin C - Lemon peels are loaded with vitamin C. It helps in boosting collagen production and keeps the skin firm and smooth.
- Essential Oils - Lemon peels are known to contain high levels of essential oils. These oils help in keeping the skin moisturized and protected.
- Anti-bacterial Properties - Lemon peels are effective in killing bacteria that causes acne.
- Alkaloids - Lemon peels are also rich in alkaloids that keep the skin soft and supple.
- Antiseptic Properties - Lemon peels have antiseptic properties that prevent infections and heal wounds.
- Antifungal Properties - Lemon peels contain antimicrobial properties that kill fungus and prevent fungal infections.
Anti-inflammatory Properties - Lemon peels help in reducing inflammation and swelling in the skin.
Sandalwood Powder Benefits for Skin
Sandalwood powder is a natural remedy for many skin conditions. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce swelling and redness. It also helps prevent bacterial infections and fungal infections. It is a great ingredient to use in homemade body scrubs and face masks. You can make a DIY facial mask using sandalwood powder.

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