Doom 3 BFG (PS3) Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

I'm not sure how I feel about BFG edition. I love the original Doom 3, and I love the Flashlight mechanic in that game. Was it a gimmick to show off the lighting capabilities of id Tech 4, yes, but they made it a working gameplay mechanic that added to the experience. They did improve the weapon sounds, but again, I'm kind of eh when it comes to taking the flashlight mechanic out of the game, especially when I had lots of fun just thumping the lower enemies with it. The game is also brighter, so you almost don't even need to use the flashlight.

I guess BFG is good, but I'll take the original any day of the week over BFG. I know it has a lot of other cool extras as well, so it's still worth playing, even if the flow of the game seems off now that you don't have to choose between light, or weapon. I know there was a lot of complaining over the years over the flashlight mechanic in the game, but I wasn't one of them. I guess it makes it more action focused, but if I wanted a more action-focues Doom 3, I'd just play Quake 4. This is still a good game, but not as good as the original in my opinion. It just plays better how it was designed in the first place.

Other than that, id tech 4 is the most beautiful engine ever. I'm joking, but still, if you were one of those who either bought a PC (like I did), or upgraded you rig just to run and see this engine in action back in the day, this game an engine are legendary, and a part of the last great era in PC gaming. Half-Life 2, Doom 3, F.E.A.R., Farcry, Crysis, etc. This was the last era in my mind where PC gaming was differentiated from all others. Now, whether it be PC or consoles, all platforms are just digital download boxes, and none of them have their own distinct feel or flavor to them outside of Nintendo's systems. The way things are, PC, Playstation, and Xbox are just kind of melding into the same thing, so buy whichever one of those you want to get all the same mainstream games, and buy a Switch to get an actual unique console experience. At least that's my take on the modern market.

#Doom3 #Gameplay #PS3

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