Dr. Deborah Birx Admits Doctoring, Hiding Critical Data From America

1 year ago

See Also:

COVID-19 Mandate Zealots Under Increasing Pressure To Admit Their Titanic Mistakes

Why Public Health Officials Running The Covid-Circus Have Failed Our Country
By Robert Malone
July 20, 2022


This book is not a "good look" for Dr. Birx. Her book provides a detailed analysis of what happened during the COVID-19 quarantines, as well as a detailed account of the decisions that she herself has been responsible for. In fact, she has unwittingly condemned her decisions and provided a detailed indictment her own behavior during the outbreak.

In her recent book, Dr. Birx has demonstrated that she has lots of blame to spread around. She blames Trump. She blames the CDC. She blames the media. She blames Scot Atlas. She blames everyone - but herself.

She does not blame Xi Jinping, who is the top leader in the Communist Party of China and the President of the People's Republic of China. She does not question his motives of bringing lockdowns to the western world. She never even mentions his name in her book, despite her praise for his develop of governmental policies to quarantine whole populations.

Michael Senger, writes about Birx's book:

"Virtually every page of Birx's monstrosity of a book, Silent Invasion, reads like a how-to guide in subverting a democratic superpower from within, as could only be told through the personal account of someone who was on the front lines doing just that.

"Notably, though Birx's memoir has earned relatively few reviews on Amazon, it's earned rave reviews from Chinese state media, a feat not shared even by far-more-popular pro-lockdown books such as those by Michael Lewis and Lawrence Wright."

Dr. Birx was the one who pushed social distancing, lock-downs (ergo: quarantines), the stopping of social gatherings, school closings and masks. She did this without ANY data of substance. She did this based on what she saw as successes in China. She never questioned that Chinese data. And that "Chinese data" was active CCP propaganda specifically designed to influence her decisions and behavior. It is hard to understand the significance of this. Whether or not she knew it, Dr. Birx functionally became an agent of weaponized CCP propaganda. Functionally, she became an intelligence asset. And her actions deeply damaged the health and economy of the United States. Read that again. Slowly. Let it sink in. And she is still unaware that what she took at face value was weaponized propaganda. In terms of evidence for failure to integrate the intelligence community into public health policy decision making, I am stunned by this reality. What the hell were they thinking!

Dr. Birx and Xi Jinping are almost single-handedly responsible for the COVID-19 global economic downturn.

By her own admission, it is Deborah Birx who convinced the world that they had to shut-down, that lock-downs (that is, quarantines) would work as well as all the other crazy policies of the past 2.5 years. Just look at the evidence in the USA. During the quarantines, there was almost 14% unemployment. Food lines were everywhere. Now, indictors like that U.S. foreclosures are up 39 percent from the previous quarter in 2022 Q1 and they are up 132 percent from a year ago. The economic damage our people and our country sustained due to these policies is enormous...

See Also:

How China, And Dr. Deborah Birx And Her Associates, Used Draconian COVID-19 Policies To Devastate America (& The Rest Of The World)


SABOTAGE? – Dr. Birx Admits to Revising and HIDING Info From Trump’s COVID Team, While Altering CDC Guidelines Without Approval.
The National Pulse
July 17, 2022


Dr. Deborah Birx -- who often appeared in front of COVID-19 task force briefings on behalf of the Trump administration -- has admitted to doctoring data associated with the government’s response, as well as quietly altering the Centers for Disease Control advice without authorization, according to her own book.


"I devised a work-around for the governor's reports I was then writing. Instead of including those recommendations in the common bulleted list, I'd include them in the pandemic summary and state-specific recommendations in the governor's reports, where they wouldn't be so obvious. These weekly reports couldn't go out on Monday without administration approval. Week by week Marc's office began providing line-by-line edits. After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I'd reinsert what they had objected to, but place it in those different locations. I'd also reorder and restructure the bullet points so the most salient—the points the administration objected to most—no longer fell at the start of the bullet points. I shared these strategies with the three members of the data team also writing these reports. Our Saturday and Sunday report-writing routine soon became: write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit. Fortunately, this strategic sleight-of-hand worked. That they never seemed to catch this subterfuge left me to conclude that, either they read the finished reports too quickly or they neglected to do the word search that would have revealed the language to which they objected."

"I devised a work-around for the governor's reports I was then writing. Instead of including those recommendations in the common bulleted list, I'd include them in the pandemic summary and state-specific recommendations in the governor's reports, where they wouldn't be so obvious. These weekly reports couldn't go out on Monday without administration approval. Week by week Marc's office began providing line-by-line edits. After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I'd reinsert what they had objected to, but place it in those different locations. I'd also reorder and restructure the bullet points so the most salient—the points the administration objected to most—no longer fell at the start of the bullet points. I shared these strategies with the three members of the data team also writing these reports. Our Saturday and Sunday report-writing routine soon became: write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit. Fortunately, this strategic sleight-of-hand worked. That they never seemed to catch this subterfuge left me to conclude that, either they read the finished reports too quickly or they neglected to do the word search that would have revealed the language to which they objected."


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