"I Miss My Ex Boyfriend SO MUCH - I Want Him Back..."

4 years ago

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"I Miss My Ex Boyfriend - And I Want Him Back!" What To Do - 17 Tips...

It's probably every woman's worst fear: the breakup. And then you find yourself texting your friends: "I Miss My Ex Boyfriend - And I Want Him Back!"

Everything probably started out fantastic between you. You had great dates, great fun, great bedroom action...

And then things started to cool off.

He didn't text you as much. He didn't call you as much.

And then you split up...

It might seem like your entire world is flipped upside down. Breakups are brutal, there's no doubt about it.

Your whole world got turned upside down. Especially if you had a lot of hopes of a future with him, maybe even getting married to him.

And this might have happened last week, or years ago. Sometimes it stays with you. For a long long time.

And there are a lot of thoughts running through your mind right now probably too:

"What should I say to my ex? Because I miss him so much..."
"What can I do to forget my ex-boyfriend? It's so hard to move on..."
"I really miss my ex boyfriend - should I call him? Should I text him?"
"I can't forget my ex - but I also can't move on without him. What should I do?"
"I Miss My Ex Boyfriend - And I Want Him Back!"

So what can you do...?

I'm going to give you 17 steps for handling the situation. By the time you're done here today, you will have learned how to handle your messy feelings, and the loss of this man.
TIP #1: Stay Patient - Don't Panic!

This is probably the most important part of the process. If you're missing your ex, the last thing you want to do is to rush things or lose your cool.

There are a ton of different emotions you will experience when you're cut off from the love of your boyfriend. Or even your husband.

Anger, confusion, sadness, shock...
Your nervous system goes through a big shakeup when there is a breakup.

Of course you'll go through a lot of pain, and at the same time will probably be overwhelmed with feelings of wanting to be with him and connect with him again.

He may even be considering coming back to you during this time period. The big risk is that you will say something or do something that might freak him out during this time and push him away by mistake.

So you have to exercise your self-control during this time.

Stay patient and don't let your emotions get the better of you. One of the best things you can do is to have a friend you can call and talk to when things become overwhelming.
TIP #2: Opportunity Might Show Up

And while this is happening, if you notice any of your guy friends show up to console you, there's a good chance he's been interested in you for a while and is taking his opportunity.

A lot of guys watch and wait in the wings for a woman they desire, especially while she is in another relationship.

So don't ignore the fact that you may find some of your male friends suddenly showing more interest in you. He is seizing the opportunity.

Why not take a chance and see what might be there?
TIP #3: Everything Is Biological

The reality of love is that there are a lot of hormones in your body that distort your thinking. Most people aren't aware just how much the reality is twisted when they're under the influence of love and infatuation.

Your biology is set up so that when you find someone you are physically compatible with, your brain floods you with tons of chemicals to get you to mate with them.

I know in our current age of reason we don't like to think we are subject to these primitive forces, but we are. And we have to recognize them.

You know that tingly, rushing euphoric feeling you get when you meet someone you're really attracted to?

Well, that powerful magnetism isn't a magical mystical force of the universe. It's those hormones - and that's how powerful they are.

So when this guy left, he put you into withdrawal. That's right, you're suffering from going cold turkey in your love addiction.

Essentially, he was a habit. And love is a habit that's hard to break.

So go easy on yourself. Recognize that it's perfectly normal for you to feel this way. If you fight these feelings, you'll probably only have a harder time.

When you're able to sit in the same room with your discomfort, you will have achieved the highest level of human maturity. It's something that most people simply cannot do.

When you got together with this guy, and you probably ...

For the rest, watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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I Miss My Ex Boyfriend So Much

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