5 Most Important Habits To Build Muscle Faster (3x FASTER GROWTH)

1 year ago

Are you looking to get back in shape faster? Well today we're going to take a look at the 5 Most Important Habits To Build Muscle Faster!

Time stamps for each of the 5 Most important habits to build muscle faster.

00:00 Intro
01:03 Subscribe!
01:16 Log Your Workouts
03:24 Track Your Macros
04:40 Weigh Yourself
05:42 Perfect your form
06:33 Mobility

The best way to continuously build muscle is to establish habits around a goal you want to achieve.. Once these habits are in place, they will regularly require less thought and effort because they become automatic and second nature.

One of the biggest reasons most people are not successful is because they don't take the time to let each habit set in place. Instead, they try to do too much at one time, get overwhelmed, and give up.

Depending on the person, different practices can take differing amounts of time to become part of someone's lifestyle. So plan to practice these habits until you notice yourself doing them with little thought or effort.

This video will cover the 5 most important habits to build muscle faster! Enjoy!

Keep and Regularly Update Your Workout Log:

Having a training log is the number one muscle-building rule and cultivating this habit alone takes you miles ahead of other lifters who do not keep a record. It also shoots your muscle-building game to the very next level in record time. As the popular saying goes, “numbers don’t lie” and these statistics aren’t just numbers, they are invaluable data points that will help you easily measure your progress as you build your muscle, as well as your level of fatigue and consistency.
Keeping a workout log book helps you develop a masterful workout program that is automatically engineered to help you achieve better results and prevent you from wasting hours at the gym doing random and uncoordinated routines. Your log book also constantly helps you set workout goals and develop a target to beat at every session. By constantly examining data from your previous sessions, you can develop a poise to do even better in your subsequent workout sessions. Also, on days when you’re not really at your best, you can use your data in knowing the minimal amount of lifting you need to do just to keep in shape.

Track Your Macros:

This second habit is just as important as keeping a workout logbook. If you share in the widespread and flawed presumption that macro tracking is only necessary for weight loss, then it's time to know you're wrong. While building your muscles, there are lots of reasons why you should diligently track your macros; the most important reason being to help you remain consistent at consuming enough proteins that are required for muscle growth and repair. Tracking your macros prevent you from under-eating and struggling to put on weight.

Daily Tracking of Your Bodyweight:

Another crucial habit that you'd want to cultivate to ease your muscle-building journey is to constantly track your body weight daily. But while you're making efforts at cultivating this habit, you should note that it's important to not pay too much attention to your weight as you measure it daily. Rather, what you should do is focus on your weekly averages to accurately measure if your weight is increasing at the right or expected pace. Your weight will always vary daily, so you want to worry less about that and make your decisions based on your weekly averages.

Master Your Weight Lifting Techniques and Routines:

Focusing on perfecting your lifting technique is crucial for two main reasons. Firstly, it ensures that every rep is accurately targeted at the muscle group you're working on building effectively, and secondly, it greatly minimizes the risk of injury. Even for lagging muscle groups that require a lot of time and effort to grow, brushing up your lifting technique would sure do the trick and help you accurately target these muscle groups.

Constantly Working on Your Mobility:

When you fail to constantly engage in mobility drills while building your muscles and lifting weight; you only end up making your body stiff and prone to injury. Your muscles naturally contract as you lift weights, as such, you need to engage in dedicated stretching and other mobility drills to stretch out your muscles which will improve your training in the long run. If as a lifter, you find it very difficult to raise your arms over your head, the implication is that you lack shoulder mobility. Another common sign that you lack mobility is the inability to parallel squat.

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