Zelda: Breath of the Wild OLD SKOOL challenge - Top Down Camera, Potions only, and more :D

4 years ago

For this run of BotW, I have combined a series of suggestions from viewers to create the OLD SKOOL challenge - here are the Skool Rools:

TOP-DOWN CAMERA ONLY - in old Zelda games like the OG, LTTP, Link's Awakening, the camera only has one angle. Everything I do will aim to create this effect for the entire game. Interesting challenges are sure to ensue as a result.

POTIONS ONLY - Let's face it... food in Breath of the Wild is totally OP, and in the old games, Link could only gain effects from potions, so that's our rule for this challenge.

NO HORIZONTAL AIMING - the top-down camera rule creates an interesting challenge for using the Bow - we will be enacting an arrow-specific rule that helps maintain the integrity of the challenge. When I am with the bow, I'm only allowed to adjust my aim vertically. If I want to adjust my aim horizontally, I'm going to have to turn link, recenter, THEN pull out the bow.

NO CHAMPION'S ABILITIES - this is just for the added challenge, and I figured it'll force us to get better.

Using the 8-Bit-Do Controller for an added touch.

We may add more rules as we find reasons to for this challenge, but there you have it! Enjoy, keep the chat friendly and fun, follow the other chat rules and let's get going!

For Chat: https://discord.gg/AVjJTP

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!rupees - check how many rupees you have
!top - generate a list of the top 5 Basement Dwellers based on rupees collected

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