"The ultimate stupid, selfish, preening, Democrat secret asset politician." | Mitt Romney

4 years ago

This video breaks down the mainstream Republican response to Mitt Romney's impeachment vote and uses that as a snapshot at the deeper problem regarding our public discourse.

As a conservative, I’m honestly disappointed with the conservative response to Mitt Romney. President Trump accused Romney of being a “democrat secret asset.”

42-year-old Don Jr. suggested Romney should be “expelled from the party” while using some hardcore 5th grade humor…

And then when did it become acceptable for mainstreams news commentators to spend their entire monologue on ad hominem attacks?

(mitt romney impeachment speech truth, mitt romney impeachment speech reasoning, mitt romney impeachment reasoning, thoughts on mitt romney impeachment, thoughts on mitt romney impeachment vote)

These videos have over a million views. Meanwhile there was 0 breakdown of Mitt Romney’s rationale, however misguided it may have been, but instead they just went straight to bullying him.... if this is what passes for “news” nowadays then we are in serious trouble.

I feel like I’m living in Bizarro world. Sometimes I wonder what happened to the adults in the room? How is it that so many everyday conservatives find this rhetoric not only acceptable, but laudable?

Perhaps I’m being a millennial snowflake, but don’t you think the demonization of everyone who disagrees with you make it virtually impossible to get anything done in our republic?

(mitt romney impeachment speech truth, mitt romney impeachment speech reasoning, mitt romney impeachment reasoning, thoughts on mitt romney impeachment, thoughts on mitt romney impeachment vote)

Your hatred hurts the country you love.

And don’t get me wrong I have serious policy differences with Democrats. For example, Bernie Sander’s jobs guarantee proposal ALONE is enough to destroy the American economy. So stakes are indeed great, but I don’t hate Bernie Sanders and his supporters. I actually love some of them as they are my friends and family. I believe they're concerned with legitimate problems, such as inequality and corruption, but they are just going about it in the wrong way. As conservatives, we are much more persuasive when we start from a place of respect and honesty because, in the end, I believe the truth is more on our side. And then where persuasion fails, as it sometimes does, we must compromise because one step forward is better than standing still. And America has never been a nation to stand still.

So in our divided country, if we were to compromise on something like a jobs guarantee, than maybe instead of guarantee we could just increase government jobs in infrastructure, education, medicine and national security? The vast majority of us can get behind that.

You’d be amazed at just how often you can find common-ground with Democrats if you look for it, but the fact so many conservatives don’t, is just a microcosm for why our politicians don’t either.

If we constantly paint “the other” as evil then no matter how good of a compromise a Republican politician could get from the other side, his base will at best ignore him and at worst penalize him for shaking hands with the devil.

So what then?! Are we supposed to ram our agenda down their throats whether they like it or not? That wasn’t the founder’s intent for our democratic-republican government. That is totalitarianism or majoritarianism, which the founders argued against.

Logically, you cannot hate Democrats and love democracy.

One will eventually give way to the other whereby you’ll either stop hating Democrats or stop loving democracy.

Again, I’m not suggesting we hold hands and sing kumbaya around a campfire, but maybe we need a red hat that says, Embrace the Golden Rule Again.

Treat others as you wish to be treated, if only out of a sense of patriotism and a love for our constitution.

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