53 Ukrainian POWs killed by Ukrainian missile attack on Donetsk prison

1 year ago

1. Russia’s defence ministry said Ukraine struck a prison in separatist(sic)-held territory with US-made HIMARS rockets, killing 40 Ukrainian prisoners of war and leaving 75 wounded, Russian news agencies reported.

“A missile strike from the US-made multiple launch rocket system (HIMARS) was carried out on a pre-trial detention centre in the area of the settlement of Olenivka, where Ukrainian military prisoners of war, including fighters from the Azov battalion, are being held,” the defence ministry said in its daily briefing.

As a result of the attack, “40 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed and 75 wounded,” and eight prison staff were also injured, it added.
***The number of deaths as a result of the strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the colony in Yelenovka, where captured Ukrainians were kept, increased to 53.
2. As a result of the strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka, 40 Ukrainian prisoners were killed, 75 more were injured, and eight employees of the detention center were also injured. This was announced at a briefing on July 29 by the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Igor Konashenkov.

According to the Russian military department, the Ukrainian army shelled the penal colony with the help of the American MLRS HIMARS. Konashenkov said that many Ukrainian military voluntarily lay down their arms, knowing that they are treated humanely. He called the incident a provocation in order to intimidate his fighters and prevent them from being captured. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated and an investigation is underway.
В результате удара Вооруженных сил Украины по следственному изолятору в Еленовке погибли 40 украинских пленных, еще 75 ранены, также пострадали восемь сотрудников изолятора. Об этом сообщил на брифинге 29 июля официальный представитель Минобороны России Игорь Конашенков.

По данным российского военного ведомства украинская армия обстреляла исправительную колонию с помощью американской РСЗО HIMARS. Конашенков заявил, что многие украинские военные добровольно складывают оружие, зная, что к ним гуманно относятся. Произошедшее он назвал провокацией с целью запугать своих бойцов и не допустить их сдачи в плен. Обстоятельства инцидента выясняются, ведется проверка.
Russia: 40 Ukrainian POWs killed by Ukrainian missile attack on Donetsk prison :
Donetsk: HIMARS shelling killed at least 40 Ukrainian prisoners of war :

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