An introduction: to Evolved Ancestors, otherwise known as Spirit Guides or Angels...

1 year ago

Men... such an important topic, and one easily glossed over...

In this video I discuss 'healed and evolved ancestors' - spirit ancestors of your lineage who have become radiant and golden.... ancestors who are pretty much ready to return to Elysium with the #AllFather and #EarthMother at the completion of their journey here....

But before they do, they wait a while to help younger souls on their journeying through lives and deaths....

They must be invited in and welcomed - they will guide and protect you...

It's important not to ask for help from less evolved souls.... as they can unintendingly bring their trouble to the table...

Also.... healed and evolved ancestors can accelerate your own bodily wisdom and process in #healingfromtrauma

We ARE #spirit and #matter ..... honour both in order to heal and to remember the promise you made before you came into this life....

Daniel Foor does some great work on the subject and can be found on youtube... don't worry about other topics he covers that may not resonate - on the subject of evolved ancestors he has a lot to say that is worth listening too...

To do the right thing, no matter the cost
To seek truth, no matter how terrible

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