CTB 2022-03-21: Jesuits 101—“How To Wake Up Friends And Family” (is it possible?)

1 year ago

The Disciples of Ra!: The shocking truth about “medicine”, viruses and vaccines.

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* How do you live with close-minded family who refuse to see the truth?
* The more education they get, the more dumbed-down they are. “Doctors” don’t get practical experience HEALING patients, they get in-DOC-trinated with a false reality.
* Is the Bible the beginning of wisdom?
* What role does Jesus Christ play in discerning deception?
* What it means to be a “Doctor”: the “Staff of Hermes” verses the Mosaic serpent pole of Numbers 21.
* Is “going to church” doing more harm than good? Who educated your Pastor?
* Is just preaching the “love of Jesus” all that Protestant Pastors are responsible for?
* Are sincere Christians more empowered to discerning deception while phony Christians more easily fall prey to it?
* How to share the Truth: first you must know your audience.
* America was founded as the sword arm of Rome: just look at the perverted Satanic architecture of “D.C.” and Rome.
* IT’S THE JESUITS! The role Jesuit-trained devout Catholic Anthony Fauci has played in “AIDS” and the corona scamdemic on behalf of the U.S. government for DECADES is proof.
* Tyndale to his Priest Inquisitor: “I will make a boy who pushes a farm plow know more about the Bible than you!” Are the meek being set up to take over the world?
* Why are Jesuits involved in and even running “science”: writing our convoluted calendar for us, telling us what “space” is, telling us what “viruses” are? Why aren’t they satisfied with simply promoting Catholicism?
* What does it mean to be “Jesuit-educated”?
* What are the “Spiritual Exercises” of Ignatius of Loyola? Are they good or evil?
* A Jesuit (homosexual advocate James Martin), an atheist (“nothing wrong with a man touching up a boy” Richard Dawkins) and an astronomer (Neil Sun-Worshipper Tysson) “debate” space and the existence of God...
* How immigration has been weaponized by Rome in Europe and America and why: examples go back centuries with waves of Irish and Italian immigrants to the U.S.
* Will Jesuit-trained Goldman Sachs Catholic Stephen K. Bannon bring Trump back for worse than the scamdemic?
* Russia in Ukraine is a Hegelian distraction polarizing us all for or against Putin who is a massively wealthy Team Player. Putin is not a populist. Pravda promised in 2013 that he would release “satellite photos” to out 9/11 as an inside job: never happened.
* Who’s really in charge? The Catholic Church runs INFRASTRUCTURE in the “secular West”; schools, orphanages and hospitals where it commits HEINOUS crimes and gets away with them.
* Are Christians in the best position fight for Truth? Why?
* What is the truth about “nano-technology”, especially in relation to scamdemic “vaccines”?
* Is the “ether” not a thing of silly mythology and legend?
* What is free or “zero-point” energy and why is it a forbidden topic?
* What do the scamdemic “vaccine” and “vaccine pass” have to do with the “Mark of the Beast”?
* Can we be sure about what the “Mark of the Beast” is?
* Is it related to the “Unpardonable Sin”? What is the “Unpardonable Sin”??

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