Monkey Pox Be Afraid?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Is Monkepox the new pandemic? Austin Ruse weighs in. AND How many people took part in the synod’s diocesan phase?

ALSO – Jay Carney on the Fed outlook on the economy.
Lost TWO over the weekend - Actress Nichelle Nichols, best known for playing “Star Trek’s” Lieutenant Uhura in the original series, died at age 89 & Bill Russell, the NBA great who anchored a Boston Celtics dynasty that won 11 championships in 13 years, died Sunday. He was 88.
Rumors in Chicago are confirmed... ICK is VERBOTEN – Meanwhile... A new policy published by Bishop Michael Burbidge on Friday eliminates 13 of 21 Latin Mass locations in the diocese in accordance with Pope Francis’ 2021 motu proprio Traditionis Custodes (TC).
A Louisiana appeals court has ruled that the state can once again enforce a ban on abortion throughout pregnancy, in a major victory for pro-lifers in the Pelican State.
Governor Andy Beshear (D-KY) said on Sunday that his state’s death toll from recent flooding has reached 26 and is expected to increase.

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What’s Concerning Us
During an in-flight press conference on his return flight to Rome from Iqaluit, Canada, Francis said that “the Lord will say” when it is time to resign.
“The door is open. It's one of the normal options, but up to today I haven't knocked on that door,”
The Synod on Synodality... progress? Meeting the people? More of the same?
US - Arlington, VA – 145 sessions - no numbers
Covington, KY – 4.91%
Fort Worth, TX – 112 sessions - 0.28%
Knoxville, TX - Only 4,693 Catholics (approximately 13% of the diocese’s Catholic population) completed the online survey. A significantly lower number participated in the listening sessions.”
Louisville, KY – 1.19%
St. Petersburg, FL – 156 sessions – 1.34%
Seattle, WA – 1000 sessions – 1.87%
Washington, DC – No numbers given but, only 0.15% of 655,000 Catholics responded to a survey

Guest Seg. Austin Ruse – Crisis Mag - The Wages of Sin is Also Disease
In the subways of both cities you can see advertisements for something called PrEP, a gay party drug that claims to allow unremitting sexual activity with no HIV consequences.
But, it must be emphasized that Monkeypox is almost exclusively happening among men who have sex with men, if you can call it sex, which you really shouldn’t. It seems to have originated in Africa and somehow jumped the stream to gay orgies in Europe. And then came to all those lovely “pride” events in the United States and we are faced with yet another gay plague.
Gay advocates have argued that bad behavior comes from internalized “homophobia.” Similarly, they say the cure for homosexual priests and bishops abusing seminarians is marriage. Has legal marriage changed all that? The increasing rate of HIV infections say no. The epidemic of venereal diseases say no. Monkeypox says no.
The key thing for anyone tempted to same-sex sexual behavior: never give up, you can change. And never give in the devilish whispers of those like Father James Martin who say this is an acceptable and healthy way of life.

2nd Guest Seg. John Carney – Brietbart – Economy – inflation
GDP #’s
The government reported Thursday that Gross Domestic Product shrank by 0.9 percent in the April through June period. Economists had expected the economy to grow by 0.3 percent
Are we in a recession? When would we know? How?
Inflation Reduction Act

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