Gem Bottle Which Can Reduce Your Stress, Keep Your Body Hydrated & Much More...

1 year ago

A Guide to Crystal Water Bottles.

The popularity of crystals has increased, but crystal-infused water, or "crystal elixir," is more than simply a passing trend. If you're considering using crystal healing to improve your life, there is an ancient myth that you should be aware of.

6,000 years ago, the Sumerians of Mesopotamia employed crystal stones for healing. Later, knowledge of crystals and their uplifting force was transmitted to Ancient Egypt, India, and the Hindu and Buddhist cultures that reside there. In India, crystals are still used today to cure various medical conditions. People have always adorned themselves with crystals in many other civilizations in an effort to fend off disease and because they thought that the stones encouraged positive traits like wealth and love.

While the globe raced toward new inventions, we surrendered ancient knowledge for the advantages of globalization somewhere along the line. But there is room for it in our hectic metropolitan life now, probably more than ever. Crystal elixirs can be the conscious practice to adopt for regaining energy, bringing positive energy, or even finally integrating meditation into our everyday routine.

How precisely do crystal water bottles function?

Water that has been crystallized by the use of conscious intention and a crystal stone, as in yoga practices, is known as crystal-infused water. A crystal stone can return its collected energy into the water you drink by placing it in a container. We prefer the combination of hydration and healing energy. Each crystal has a certain ability; some crystals reduce stress, some crystals enhance creativity, some crystals are effective at harmonizing emotions, and so on.

"After using my crystal water bottle for two weeks, I felt calmer, much more relaxed. I didn’t notice any wow effect, though. But if you are a very negative, impulsive or aggressive person, you’ll need more than just a gem water bottle,” - says Rebeca Lopez, a blogger from the USA.

When it was discovered that water has memory, the science behind it got underway. Water's molecular structure changes depending on what it comes into contact with, including ideas and emotions (see the studies of Dr. Emoto). Our thoughts and feelings have a direct impact on our body and its health from the moment we are born because our body is essentially formed of water. We have the opportunity to fundamentally alter our own bodies from the inside out by bringing the healing properties of crystals into contact with the water we drink.

Our own ideas and feelings have always permeated the water in our bodies. This is how it has always been. While cultivating wholesome/positive thought patterns is highly beneficial, using our own water for crystal infusion is a potent technique to assist ourselves.

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How are crystal-infused water bottles to be used?

The simplest method is to use it like you would any other water bottle. Fill it with clean water, then enjoy. You won't be able to ignore the water's daily infusion from the crystal inside, so you'll likely drink more while appreciating each drop more.

Setting certain intentions is necessary for the more intriguing and mindful use of crystal water bottles. Spend a minute in meditation before using the crystal to improve its qualities. While holding the crystal, consider the traits you want it to draw into your life. For instance, if you have anxiety, picture yourself feeling relaxed and in control; if you don't feel loved in your life, picture yourself in a setting where you are surrounded by the people you care about. You might discover that your crystal water bottle serves as a constant reminder of those qualities.

Even if you don't know how to meditate or work with crystals, crystal-infused water will still be very beneficial to you. Sometimes all it takes to get you in the proper frame of mind and to feel inspired is to simply stare at your crystal elixir-filled gem-water bottle.

What Crystal Bottle Do I Need?

Follow your gut instinct and heart and go with what you are pulled to since your body knows best what it needs right now. Alternately, learn a little bit about the characteristics of the various crystal stones and follow these instructions:

Rose quartz crystal water bottle - encourages emotional stability, self-love, healing, and protection.

Fluorite Crystal Water Bottle - gives power, stability, and anchoring.

Amethyst Crystal Water Bottle - becomes more at peace and energized.

Clear Quartz Crystal Water Bottle - promotes mental clarity, physical healing, and mind-body harmony. It is a multi-purpose crystal, making it a fantastic place to start if you are new to the crystal world.

Smoky Quartz Crystal Water Bottle - reduces tension, aids in detoxification, and encourages healing and cleansing.

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