1 year ago

Here is another real life video, that was "NOT" intended to be funny 🤣.

But some how, ended up to be as funny as hell.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

The best way I can describe this video, without causing it any injustice.

It's the keystone cops of the 1930's, but somehow transformed into the keystone burglars of 2022.

It's hilarious to say the least, but as intense as any armed robbery would be.

Let me know narrate the story, on how it all went down, according to the video.

(4) Burglars show up in a small sedan, and park in front of a local convenience store.

Only (1) burglar exits the vehicle, and walks into the store.

While the getaway driver, and other (2) burglars remain in the vehicle.

As burglar (1) makes his way inside the store, he is holding what appears to be a rifle.

The convenience store clerk notices this, and readies his shotgun.

The convenience store clerk, takes one shot at the would be burglar.

The burglar turns victim, and runs out screaming like a little girl, back to the getaway car empty-handed.

Then another burglar from the car opens the door to let him into the car, but in the process they almost leave him behind.

As the days of lawlessness takes over our globe, some of these crimes will hit the funny pages.😂

And is why I decided to create a segment, by calling it:


So be on the lookout for my new segment, because it promises to bring laughter, in these serious times that we're facing now.

Archangel Michael
"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."

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