How To Store 100 Lbs. Of Tomatoes as Tomato Paste Balls In EVO

1 year ago

How To Store 100 Lbs. Of
Tomatoes as Tomato Paste
Balls In EVO in
4 and 1/2 1 quart jars

In this video I show the way I’ve usually made tomato paste. I discovered an easier way and I’ll show that if I get around to it this year. When I do this I use regular olive oil not EVO. You can still use the oil once you’ve used the tomato balls . I use it to varnish a pizza crust or grease a pan or even fry food. I added a cup of wine vinegar to the tomato paste once I had it cooked down and pretty dry. That drops the PH and makes it a lot safer. .Keep the filled jars in a dark cabinet.

I sun dry when I can and use a dehydrator when I can’t, once I’ve started to approach the consistency of paste. In the end I had 4 one quart and one pint jars filled with tomato balls.

Here’s a link to the book that had the tomato ball idea. They have a good many other things you can try as well. It’s really pricey now. You might be able to find it on ebay too.

#homemade, #tomato, #foodfreedom, #tomatopaste, #homemade, #foodstorage

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