Improve Nutrition Dry Black Sesame seeds WITHOUT Dehydrator Version2.

3 years ago

Here I show how to dry activated Raw Black sesame seeds (Best for Winter Time) only by the Heat of Radiators, without the need for a dehydrator. Winter Hack for better nutrition & digestibility

Watch how to soak black sesame seeds & dry them with a dehydrator:

I already soaked black sesame seeds (see earlier video on my channel).

See the Link Card for that video on the card I placed here @ time stamp: 00:00:15.

I am using an oven crisper tray. Very cheap & easy to buy online.

With a square silicone sheet, so the seeds don't fall through.

Tuck in all the corners really well.

You can also use parchment paper.

Pour all the soaked seeds in the tray & spread them well, for maximum airflow.

This size tray will dry about 250 grams of soaked seeds

It's winter here & very cold. We have heating on pretty much all day.

Place the tray on A chair or stool near a full on radiator

Cover it with a towel

Turn the tray regularly to dry evenly. ( 4 to 5 times a day every time you walk by)

It will take about 3 to 6 days for the seeds to fully dry

It depends on how long the heating is on for

These are ready now, on the 4th day

Completely dry & ready to be stored

Lift the sides of the sheet & carefully pour seeds in a glass jar.

That's it, dry but more digestible & healthier black sesame seeds

To use in many raw vegan recipes

Watch out for my 'black sesame seeds chocolate treat' video coming soon.

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#BlackSesameSeeds #NoDehydrator #WinterHacks

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