Tiger Taken to Heaven

1 year ago

Tiger Taken to Heaven

April 12, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

Calm our hearts God, and keep it away from the spirit of fear and anxiety. You are the only one who can comfort us now. Surround us with Your peace. Amen.

Mother Clare began, "Our Lady put her hand on my arm. "I'm sorry." I know how much he meant to you, it is a very big offering and I know you were willing to make it. Find your comfort in the Lord alone now and soon you will be reunited with this precious, little soul."

And here Mother Mary is consoling me because a dear pet of ours was recently taken to Heaven.

"Thank you, Mother, thank you. I do understand much better how He feels about just one soul who is hurting, who dies, who He will never see again. I am thankful for that; I believe it opened up my heart."

Blessed Mother continued, "Jesus hates death, he did not create His creatures to die, but this is a mystery most will not understand until Heaven. Nevertheless, He is greatly troubled by one sparrow that falls to the ground and nothing will make Him happier than seeing all alive eternally in Heaven. So do not grieve, you do not have long to wait."

"I sense that Mother."-- -- --

"As you said, those who live by the sword, die by the sword."

A rooster was calling from the chicken coup, in the background.

"What shall I do with all these roosters? But I was informed that we had too many roosters since they were purchased at a young age, we had no way of knowing."

"Keep them, they will come in handy. You are a brave soul Clare and I love you and all my children."

"Mother I only want to get messages that will help others, I don't want to be focused on me."

"I know this, but this is a very special occasion and deserves to be mentioned because others are grieving and in sorrow due to the loss of loved one or beloved pet."

"Mother, I'm afraid we are going too slowly with wrapping things up."-- --

"It is good timing to be involved in that now and not put it off for weeks. Progress steadily but do not panic or push, just do each thing as it presents itself and move on and this goes for all my precious ones. You have all been given assignments from my Son, please continue to do His work and move forward. Many things are still up in the air and not predictable. You will be ready when the time comes, this I believe."

Father Ezekiel had a vision of a Russian missile, shot by a rogue group, not Russia, headed directly for us on the mountain. All of a sudden it slowed down and made a hard turn going northwards and missing us.-- --

Our Lady continued, "It was diverted at the last moment by divine providence."-- --

"Did it resemble a trial for us or was it about the nation?"

"The nation," she responded.

"But it was headed directly towards us?"

"It was meant for your nation, but your prayers diverted it. The Lord wants you to know how powerful your prayers are, that is why it was shown to you that way."

"Oh! Wow. Really?"

"Really. You will see in Heaven exactly how many disasters were averted by your prayers. It will shock you. That is why We continue to ask you to pray. Trust in these words, be encouraged to press into prayer, with this new understanding."

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