Five Socialism Myths Debunked

3 years ago


"5 Socialism Myths: Part 1"

"5 Socialism Myths: Part 2"

Socialism is now as popular as capitalism among young people. That's because they are being told nonsense.

So in this video we debunk 5 ridiculous myths about socialism.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, I thought everybody would realize that socialism brings misery.

But no, “intellectuals” like Professor Noam Chomsky convinced many that it was capitalism that was “a grotesque catastrophe,” and “The Soviet Union ... was about as remote from socialism as you could imagine.”

But that’s ridiculous.

Economist Benjamin Powell explains that when the Soviets made private business illegal, “that's about as close as the world ever saw to the purest socialist end of the spectrum”

That's “Myth 1". Whenever socialism fails people always say, “but that wasn't ‘real’ socialism”

Many young people love socialism. They don't like capitalism. They don't notice what capitalism give them. They protest in Nikes, and tweet about it from their iPhones.

Myth #3: Socialism brings good things if it’s DEMOCRATIC socialism.

“Democratic socialists believe both the government and the economy should be run by the people by way of the ballot box,” says Van Jones approvingly on CNN.

By the ballot box—that’s how Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez took power.

“They can start off democratically elected [but] once they centralize control over the economy, it becomes impossible to democratically unelect them,” explains economist Benjamin Powell. “Now democracy in Venezuela is a sham.”

Socialism ALWAYS ends up authoritarian.

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NOTE: 11-Aug-2022 — Just imported via Rumble process from my old YouTube channel. Please comment if video experiences any technical issues during playback. Thank You.

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