Is He Hiding His Feelings Or Not Interested In Me?

4 years ago

For The Quiz:

Is He Hiding His Feelings Or Not Interested?

There comes a point in almost every relationship where you might find yourself wondering – Is he hiding his feelings or not interested in me?

You might wonder if he’s sending you mixed signals – and if he’s really in love with you at all. There’s a lot of confusion about this that I will help settle for you here in this article.

And in order to know if he’s hiding his feelings for you or not, there’s something you should know about guys:

Do You Understand The Dilemma Of MEN…?

The reality for most women is that they just don’t understand men. Not because we guys are particularly complicated. It’s because we simply don’t show our feelings and emotions as obviously.

Here are a few facts about men and their emotions:

FACT: Men have powerful emotions and feel them as deeply as women do…

FACT: Men don’t express these emotions as often or obviously as women do…

It’s very fashionable to talk about men as if we’re inadequate or emotionally stunted when compared to women. After all, the female emotional process is held up as the gold standard of healthy emotional functioning.

But there are many other things about men you might not know…

Men tend to focus less on their emotional state for “meaning” in their experience…

Even though men experience emotion deeply, most guys don’t experience as many blends of emotions at the same time…

Just because he doesn’t express his feelings the way women do, this does not mean that this is wrong – or that he’s emotionally handicapped in some way…

Now that last one is pretty important, and I hope you’ll remember it.

We all tend to evaluate other people and situations using OUR OWN experiences.

For an example: IF I enjoy social situations where I can help people out… I might think that anyone who doesn’t do this is “emotionally shut down.”

You get the picture…

We always evaluate others by our own standards.

So we need to be cautious that we’re not judging unfairly, too.

Most women (not all) have an advantage over men in the relationship area because of this. Which is why I teach women to manage men better – so you can get the relationship you want – AND he can get the benefit of your ability!

So the dilemma of men is that we’re always going to look “emotionally unavailable” compared to women – who are much more emotionally focused.

And here’s another tip to remember:

Most Men Are Afraid Of Women’s Strong Emotions…

Guys are deeply intimate with the emotion of anger, this much we know. But other emotions and shades of them are outside our experience.

And since most men need women’s acceptance, any of her other strong emotions are hard for him to understand. Add on the fact that he has no skills to deal with them and you have a recipe for PANIC.


So when guys check out or pull away from you during a heated emotional exchange, now you’ll know why.

Now let’s get into how to know if he’s hiding his love –

Is He Hiding His Feelings – Or Is He Not Interested?

CLUE #1: He Gets Jelly…

And by “jelly” I mean JEALOUS.

You’ll see it in the simple moment when you mention another guy, or an ex-boyfriend, and his expression and his eyes change. You might not know what happened there, but you know SOMETHING just changed between you.

That’s usually when he’s trying to cover up the one emotion he knows will probably kill your interest in him – JEALOUSY. It’s kind of cute in a way.

Any feelings of jealousy a guy has about you are signs of interest most of the time.

If, however, he never does anything when he has the opportunity to act on it, there could be some issues with him. (I’ll explain more about this in a bit…)

CLUE #2: He Takes The Initiative…

For him to be the kind of man that you desire, you have to have a man that will take action and go after what he wants. And this includes going after YOU!

Let me share one of my little “rules” with you –

CARLOS’ RULE: If he doesn’t take action on his interest in you, then he isn’t worth your time.

This is not going to be a popular rule for anyone, but it’s essential that you understand

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Is He Hiding His Feelings Or Not Interested In Me?

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