如何重生(finalcall07)How to be Born Again

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/Bjumyrg1_bQ

2017年1月8日 Originally posted by finalcall07(Jan Boshoff)

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/finalcall07

Visit him at: http://www.finalcall07.com


你重生了吗? 耶稣改变了你吗?这个改变是肉眼可见的吗?众人都看出你像耶稣基督,你重生了?你已经重生了吗?愿耶稣祝福你。
You have to be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven, and there's only one person who can make you knew, that can make you a child of God, and that is Jesus Christ. But He will only do it if you truly desire to be born again. If you truly want to be born again you have to decide, and make up your mind whether you want to follow and obey Jesus Christ, whether you want to live according to His commands. You must make up your mind whether you are willing to deny yourself, to give up yourself, to give up your own desires, to give up your sin, whether you are willing to give up everything, to obey Jesus Christ.
If you are not determined to live according to the words of Jesus, if you're not determined to stop sinning, to turn away from sin, and from going after the lust of the flesh, and the things of the world, then you're not serious. If you're not serious, then you are wasting your time asking Jesus to make you new, because Jesus will answer your prayer, and He will make you new, if you are serious. If you pray and repent of your sin, from your heart and you committed to never go back to that same sin again, you committed to be holy and to obey the words of Jesus at all costs, then He will answer your prayer. If you believe that Jesus is God, that He is real, then He will answer your prayer, but if you're not serious, you will not be born again. If you're not willing to obey all the commands of Jesus, the words that He spoke, to repent, and be baptized in water, and to receive the Holy Spirit, to listen to, and obey the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, living in you, and to be led by the Spirit; if you're not willing and eager to follow and obey Jesus, and go with Him all the way, then your prayer is fruitless, you will not be born again.
If you are serious about being born again, being a child of God, different from the rest of the world, being like Jesus, and you pray, and you ask Him, He will change you, He will make you new inside. He will forgive your past sins, He will receive you with joy, He will give you peace, a peace that passes all understanding, but if you are not serious, nothing will happen; you will just go on the same as you were before and you will end up in hell. If you want to be born again, you have to believe that Jesus is God, that He is real. You have to believe His words, and commit to obey Him, and follow Him, until the very end; to turn away from sin, and sin no more, to be baptized in water, and to seek His Holy Spirit, to dwell in you, to guide you, to seek His voice, to listen to Him and follow Him, every day. If you are that serious,
Jesus will make new, you will become a child of God. But if those things are not present with you, if you never stop sinning, if you were not baptized in water, if you were not led by the Holy Spirit, then you were not born again. Many people have been deceived; they have been told that if they just believe, and say a prayer after somebody else, then they are born again. If there's no fruit, there's no proof that you've changed, that you are like Jesus Christ, and that you are living for the kingdom of God, then you 're not born again. Are you born again? Has Jesus changed you, and is that change outwardly visible, by all people, that you are like Jesus Christ, you born again. Have you been born again?
May Jesus bless you.

Visit me at: http://www.finalcall07.com
email: finalcall07@gmail.com

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