1 year ago

In March of this year, with the crisis in Ukraine commanding the world’s attention, the Taliban used this opportunity to escalate their campaign of oppression against Afghan women. Girl’s access to schools, already greatly limited, would no longer include secondary education. Concurrently, the Taliban’s Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice issued a new dress code. All ‘respectable’ Afghan women must now wear a hijab in public and failing to wear one would be a punishable crime. The ministry further identified the blue-colored, full body Afghan burqa as the “hijab” of choice. Of course.

Since the fall of Kabul on August 15th of last year, Taliban assurances that the rights of women would not be infringed have proven to be hollow ones. The group has banned Afghan women from most employment, hindered their free movement, abolished the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and silenced female journalists. As was the case during the Taliban’s previous reign of terror, the dreams of millions of Afghan girls and women have been shattered, with little left in the way of basic freedoms and personal dignity.

It is against this backdrop that I’m making Afghan’s Lipstick Warriors: First Chronicle & the sequel, Afghan’s Lipstick Warriors: Darkness Falls a Free Kindle Download.

August 11th-15th.

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