9 POWERFUL Foods To Fight Diabetes | Diabetic-Friendly Foods

1 year ago

Do you have diabetes? Isn’t it challenging sometimes to plan your meals? Having diabetes shouldn’t mean you’re stuck with a bland, boring diet. You can choose the right foods that make you a victor of diabetes instead of a victim!

In today’s video, we’ll talk about the powerful foods you should add to your diet to help overcome the effects of diabetes. So, the next time you’ll be sure to pick diabetes-friendly foods that will help you keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Why are avocados at the top of our list? How good are carrots? We’ll be talking about all of these AND more…

#Diabetes #DiabetesDiet #Bestie

Sources: https://pastebin.com/3kffqXVC

Intro - 0:00
Avocados - 0:34
Steak - 1:26
Greek Yogurt - 2:04
Carrots - 2:50
Chia Seeds - 3:32
Barley - 4:34
Nuts - 5:32
Eggs - 6:27
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil - 6:55


Avocados have grown in popularity recently due to their many health benefits. They are packed with fiber and have little amounts of sugar and carbohydrates. So eating an avocado means you don’t have to worry about increasing those blood sugar levels.

Beef may seem like food that shouldn’t be included in a diet for diabetics. But if you opt for lean cuts and eat small portions, it can be a great addition to your meal as the protein from beef can keep you full and satiated.

Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is another excellent food to add to your diet to prevent diabetes. A study was conducted among 100,000 participants to see how yogurt can help. The results showed that having a serving of yogurt daily can reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes by about 18%.

Carrots are famous for their various health benefits. They can help improve your eye health and reduce cancer risk.

Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are perfect for those with diabetes. They contain fiber and, at the same time, are low in carbs.

Rather than eating white rice with your meals, you should try barley. Eating barley reduces the pace at which the blood sugar levels rise after a meal by as much as 70%. It can also keep your blood sugar levels lower for longer.

Nuts are packed with fiber and are low in total net carbs. When you eat nuts regularly, it can lower your blood sugar levels. They can also help in reducing inflammation and harmful cholesterol levels.

Having eggs as part of your diet will help reduce the chances of heart disease and inflammation and increase your good cholesterol levels. For those with diabetes, eggs can improve insulin sensitivity too!

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Extra-virgin olive has a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid which can help manage blood glucose levels while lowering fat levels in your blood after a meal.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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