(D) Congressional Inquiry: Federal Police Attack on Protesters at Lafayette Square 6/1/20".

1 year ago

Less than six months before January 6th, Congress attempted to hold the federal government accountable for attacking protestors outside the White House. Protests and Riots at Lafayette Square over Memorial Day Weekend 2020 injured 100 Federal officers, burned down a church and forced The President to evacuate and seek shelter.

The irony of calling January 6th an insurrection alludes them to this day.

Reposted from "House Natural Resources Committee Democrats" on YouTube. Livestreamed June 29th 2020.

"We’re hosting an oversight hearing on Monday, June 29, to investigate law enforcement’s violent June 1 crackdown against peaceful protesters and accredited journalists at Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. This will be the first formal congressional inquiry into the incident."

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