Male frtigatebird puts on stunning visual display to get the girl

1 year ago

Frigatebirds are amazing creatures that have the largest wings in relation to body weight of any bird. They are capable fliers. having the ability to stay in the air for weeks, drifting on the air currents in search of an opportunity to seize food. They feed on fish and squid that are chased to the surface by large predators such as tuna. They will chase smaller birds to steal their catch, earning them the nickname "pirates of the skies"..
Male frigates have enormous gular pouches that they inflate to attract females. This hopeful male is displaying his flame red pouch for a nearby female. If successful, he will win the right to mate with her. They will nest in low trees on deserted islands. With only one egg per nesting pair, the parents will provide care and food for their young. They are devoted parents, looking after their young for the longest period of any bird species. Frigates will produce an egg only every second year.
Frigates are known to venture far out to sea for food, often as far as 500km from land. Tuna fishermen have learned to follow frigates in their search for a source of tuna to catch. The frigates congregate on the surface where a school of tuna are hunting.
Frigates are among the few seabirds that drink fresh water. They fly low and scoop the water while they are in flight, avoiding the need to land.

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