Oblong-shaped UFO chased by LAPD officers C.C. Smith and Joe Wynkoop, 1973

1 year ago

"..the object appeared to be diving toward earth from a 45-degree angle at a tremendous speed.."

The Desert Sun, 13 November 1973:

"‘Flying Object’ Soars A way From Officers

LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Two police officers chased an unidentified flying object with bluish-white lights for two minutes Monday night, tried to snap a picture of it, then lost it as it disappeared in "a blink of an eye.” Officers C.C. Smith and John Wynkoop took their film to headquarters for developing but feared the photo would not come out. The policemen were at the Hollenbeck station when several residents called in, saying they had seen a flying object with flashing orange lights. The men returned to patrol duty, then saw an object in the sky themselves, but different from the description that residents had given. The object did not have flashing orange lights, but was large and round with a bluishwhite hue, the officers said. Smith and Wynkoop said because of the darkness they could not determine how large the UFO was or its altitude. When first spotted at about 9:50 p.m., the officers said the object appeared to be diving toward earth from a 45-degree angle at a tremendous speed, then it slopped dead in the sky for several seconds.

The officers chased after the object in their patrol car at speed of 70 miles an hour, radioing back to the station that they had a UFO in sight. Then, from its hovering position, the object shot straight up in the sky at “an unbelievable rate of speed so much so that what had appeared as a large object had become a small object almost in a blink of an eye,” the officers said. The object suddenly halted in the sky again, then sped in a southwestly direction “so fast that your eye could hardly keep up with it” and disappeared from view. During the chase, the officers said they tried to take a picture of it from inside the car but forgot to remove the flash attachment. They feared that the photo would not come out because of the light reflected by the windshield. A police helicopter had just arrived over the area when the object sped out of view near Grande Vista and Lorena Streets in East Los Angeles."

"World Round-up of News and Comments about Recent Sightings;
U.S.A. - Police Chase UFO" (page 2)
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