"It Began" by Myredidea / PLANdemic Truth in a Rap Song!

1 year ago

We ve reached the point at which rappers know more about the situation than medical professional do! Check out this song and follow the lyrics below!
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycl93uOuRKs (6:21)
I am neither a scientist nor a doctor, but I am curious, and over the past two decades I have followed the heterodox critiques of virology for HIV and SARS-CoV-2 . A growing number of scientists, doctors, independent journalists and others have been calling attention to the abysmal lack of adherence to protocols regarding the purification, isolation and characterisation of the alleged virus, SARS-CoV-2. And yet this is the gold standard upon which the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is based, and this PCR testing (and exponentially exaggerated models) have fuelled the alleged Covid-19 pandemic since the sole requirement of a case is a positive test result. Thus, detractors rightly call the alleged pandemic a case-demic .
Connect the dots
Make up your own mind
It began so we re told
in Wuhan
44 patients came down with pneumonia,
which quickly turned into pandemic phobia,
when six died, but why the surprise,
the air in Wuhan is so far from Utopia
that pneumonia leads as a death disease,
so why in Jan 2020 did the Chinese
announce the discovery of SARS Covee
2, for you see
It s no speculation, before this was begun,
there was preparation through Event 201,
via Gates and the World Economic Forum,
you might say a plan-demic dry run?
While people were stuck in their homes locked-up,
banks printed cash for the elite to snap up,
much of the world s property and assets
in criminalisation of state apparatus.
Small businesses brought to their knees,
millions in need, more dependency,
social movements give up their agency,
begging governments for a measly B I G.
It was planned,
long before,
it began in Wuhan
For the crux is the viral identity scandal,
they took but one crude bronchial sample,
unpurified gloop in silico sequenced,
software arranged genetic pieces
into a genome, no isolation proof,
no electron micrograph was produced,
see Dr Bailey s take on isolation:
virology is but faith-based speculation .
But this did not stop Drosten and team
to validate the PCR test fourteen
days after the virus was allegedly seen
check the bogus science you ll know what I mean,
in digital creations released by China,
plus generation of an artificial primer.
Why were med associations deceived?
Genetic bits do not prove infection or disease.
They had it all under control,
or so we were being told,
mind your business, join the fold.
But the dissidents were so bold,
and the truth will eventually unfold,
the alleged pathogen is synthetic, chimeric,
computer-generated code.
You see attempts at isolation failed abysmally,
but it s bad for the narration, for historically
there is the lack of proof even for HIV,
see the work of the Perth Group and E P-E.
So, government advisory committees,
do reference the alleged numerous studies,
showing tests in accredited laboratories
are validated for clinical diagnoses.
The CDC and advisor Fauci,
bequeathed with deep state authority,
designate a case, solely based
on a non-specific test, accepted globally?
Yet still, it is true there are severely ill,
but is the cause a single pathogen?
Or toxicity resulting in low oxygen?
Radiation, or pollution, poisoning?
It s taboo to ask the question:
are germs the cause of infection?
For even Pasteur, in his death bed confession
said it s the terrain, not the pathogen.
Yes, there are people who get sick and die,
but look at the stats, you ll see they don t fly,
Cos the non-specific PCR test,
has grossly inflated the global deaths.
The figures don t connect with reality,
especially when it comes to all-cause mortality,
plus now there s the glaring technicality
jab rollouts cause more lethality.
What is in these so-called vaccines?
Microbiota, nanotech and graphene
oxide, and have you seen
the blood of those who ve been
injected? Not in the mainstream.
The truth will eventually unfold,
the alleged pathogen is synthetic,
chimeric, computer-generated code.
Acutely and chronically
disabling and life-threatening
the jabs cause sudden death,
stroke, blood clots, going blind and deaf.
Kidney, liver disease and cancer,
amputation, infertility and paralysis.
And as more die from heart failure,
coincidentally, Covid affects the vascular.
So, while some double jabbed say: hey,
I feel fine, this is clearly so benign,
don t be fooled, some vials are just saline.
Sure you want to get into that booster line?
Only a few countries were against,
like Tanzania s informed president.
A papaya sample for testing he sent,
and dared his qualms to publicly vent.
He s not the only head who suddenly died
connect the dots make up your own mind.
Dissenting countries step into line,
you think the deaths were a coincidence?

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