Air Canada Ignored Travel Ban Mandate Religious Exemptions

1 year ago

Airline carriers knew they were in a bad spot when the Canadian government imposed some of the strictest travel ban mandates in the world. The government passed the buck and made them arbiters of medical and religious exemptions. They were not happy about the downloading of responsibility and called it "constitutionally flawed".


The travel ban mandate was in place from Oct 2021 to June 20th, 2022, about 8 months. It did not allow for compassionate exemptions for travelling to care for a sick relative or to attend a funeral.

The travel ban mandate affected over 5 million Canadians, and the Liberal government said it's only suspended, and not rescinded. The current court case is to render a verdict on the travel ban mandate's constitutionality. That's why the court case is so important, otherwise it could come back.

Transport Canada knew that under the Canada Human Rights Act, they had to allow for medical and religious exemptions. It seems like they didn't want to take liability for rendering judgements on religious or medical exemptions, so they passed the buck to carriers.

A big thank you to Noe Chartier from the Epoch Times, who was a federal policy analyst for over ten years before becoming a journalist. He's been tireless in his work and has been pouring over thousands of pages of court documents.

Because of the court case, we now have data on what the airline carriers did with these religious and medical exemption requests.

In April the US dropped mask mandates for flights, airports and transportation. The European Union did the same in May. Canada still has not dropped mask mandates.

Because of the PATRIOTS fighting the travel ban mandate in court we've got the emails between Transport Minister Omar Alghabra and Air Canada's vice president and chief legal officer Marc Barbeau.

On November 26th, Air Canada's Marc Barbeau wrote:

“The design of the proposed Interim Order insofar as it relates to the implementation of a religious belief exemption is constitutionally flawed,” wrote Barbeau.

He called it quote an “illegal delegation of powers” that would quote “severely” undermine the mandate and quote lead to “inevitable litigation.”

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra disagreed in a reply on December 3rd, to which Air Canada VP and legal officer Barbeau wrote back on December 7th:

"[the airlines] will lack the necessary information that is available only to the Government to defend any challenges to such exemptions based upon the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms"

Long story short, it appears that Air Canada didn't want to be on the hook for what in writing could lead to "inevitable litigation".

Air Canada did not take a public stance against any of the mandates, whereas, The Westjet CEO Alexis von Hoensbroech has been vocal about Canada's reticence to drop mandates.

Transport Canada data from April shows that Air Canada did not grant a single religious exemption. Westjet on the other hand did not deny anyone boarding who asked for a religious exemption.

As we dig deeper and deeper it becomes apparent that government apparatchiks as well as corporate lawyers were uneasy about the legality. The Trudeau government wanted the most strict travel ban mandates in the world, and they got it. Now we find out whether or not they were legal.

A big HAIL to our PATRIOTS fighting in Court, Karl Harrison, Shaun Rickard, Nabil Ben Naoum, Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford, et al.


Know your rights and stand up for them! H.A.I.L. BRETHREN!

We say H.A.I.L. FREEDOM for a reason, because the world needs a little more Honor, Accountability, Integrity, and Loyalty.

H.A.I.L. Honor, Accountability, Integrity, Loyalty

My name is Rohan Kumar Pall and if you like this content and you think it will help get the word out and make a difference, then please share it out.


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