Vaccine serious adverse effects and deaths and some reasons most don't know about

1 year ago

This is a video about one of the main reasons that we aren't hearing about the overwhelming majority of severe adverse effects and even deaths that people are going thru. The first person interviewed is Casey Hodgkinson from NZ who was interviewed on a few occasions by Liz Gunn who used to be on NZ MSM and who is now an independent journalist. Casey was treated terribly by the drs, nurses and others at the hospital after having a very serious adverse effect from the vaccine. She is young and healthy (was) prior to taking the vac and noticed effects within hrs and within a day or two she couldn't even walk and ended up on a wheelchair and has convulsions and spasms which are from a neurological effect from vaccine(and yes they happen even though some fact checkers and covid experts said they don't) If she and others were acknowledged and helped then thats a different story and if they admitted that serious adverse effects from the vaccine were much much more common then that would of been much much more transparent But thats not the case. Firstly Casey when she went to hospital and of course looked into her medical history they seen that she was a healthy young woman and she of6 course said that the effects started soon after her first pfizer jab and got progressively worse but when she said that they looked at her like she was stupid and straight away said that it was extremely unlikely that it was from the vac. This happened to her on more then one occasion and she was treated with total disrespect and disregard when she even dare say that what she had was possibly (obviously) from the vaccine. She luckily went to see her own private GP who did proper checks and said yes indeed it was from the vaccine but even after that the government,ACC and others treated her terrible. She made a Givealittle page which is a website in NZ for people that need help with money for medical costs,living,food and other important things as she could no longer work as she had serious effects. But stuff which is one of NZ msm did a hit piece on her where they interviewed two so called covid and vaccine experts who said that she was a scammer and that her effects were unlikely from the vaccine as they weren't on the MOH (Ministry of health) list of adverse effects. So two of nz top covid and vaccine experts who without talking to her or her own dr or anyone and who the government turn to a lot called her a scam and said those adverse effects don't happen even though it happened straight after her vaccine and her own dr confirmed it and yes people do get those side effects including a scientist in Australia recently who is now on Australian msm telling what happened to him after taking the vaccine and how the medical establishment,governement and other agencies are treating people over their with severe effects. And their has been recent studies into these types of adverse effects (neurological, from the vaccines and its happening to many people. By the way drs, nurses and others who opened up about severe vaccine effects and even deaths over a year ago online and etc were a lot of the time called liars and misinformation and drs and others on many occasions were banned from social media amongst other places for talking about what has happened to their and other patients and how they were treated by hospital staff and government agencies and others and how they even were refused vaccine exemptions from MOH (Ministry of health) to have to take another vac(even though many of their patients nearly died from the vaccine and were refused exemption and even told by MOH and Dr Bloomfield himself that its fine to take another vaccine. Its so hard to believe that when certain truthful drs, nurses and others mentioned this over a year ago on social media as I said they were by many people called anti vaxxers,liars and conspiracy etc etc etc which brings me to the next guy who amazingly and uncannily fits into exactly the same description that I just said but amazingly he was interviewed by Paddy Gower on NZ MSM (mainstream media) who interviewed a guy in his 30s who took his first vac of pfizer and was rushed on to hospital on I think 8 occasions and nearly lost his life from pericarditis (inflamation of the pericardium,, the thin fluid filled sack surrounding the heart) He also was treated terribly by the hospital drs, nurses etc when he even tried to say that it seems that the vaccine may of did the harm considering he was young and healthy like Casey and then went downhill very fast after the vaccine but they literally didn't want to hear anything about the vaccine being any part to do with his sudden downfall. He luckily ended up going to see his own dr (which he should of done earlier as it seems private GP's seems to take this more seriously then NZ government public hospitals although Many GPS aren't taking it seriously) and his own dr did proper checks and of course came to conclusion that yes indeed it was from vaccine and that in no way should he take another as he nearly died from first. His dr contacted the MOH and said his patient needs an exemption from having to take another vaccine as he can't take another But just like drs and other's said a year earlier online The MOH and Dr Bloomfield himself refused him an exemption and even told him its fine to take another which obviously surprised him and his dr as he literally was rushed to hospital on 8 occasions and nearly died from vac. So this ever increasing serious topic which is happening to more and more people went from a conspiracy online or misinformation to NZ msm actually and very surprisingly talking to guy that exactly same thing happened!! But sadly the msm is hardly ever interviewing others about these events which are sadly all to common and everything is still shot down as misinformation or not true even though ive just proven their huge contradictions,lies,cover ups and terrible things they have done. About 1500 give or take Drs,nurses,scientists and other in Heath care from NZDSOS have tried again and again and again to contact the media and medical establishment, Government and others to show them proof of patients they and others have death with for severe adverse effects and even proof of deaths and many other things but mostly to no avail which is incredible. And all of them and been marked as anti vaxxers and misinformation and they have been trying desperately to discredit them which sadly just like that stuff interview with two NZ covid experts about Casey Hodgkinson being a scammer and not possibly having effects like that from vaccine even though her effects were pretty much immediate after vaccinating and her own dr said it was from vaccine and because of that very ill informed and wrong so called article and the two so called experts who we are supposed to not question and believe made the general public turn against her online calling her a scammer and liar,actor and all sorts of other things all because like the NZDSOS drs and others they were discredited by people who without barely checking with her(Casey) or them(nzdsos) just called them misinformation and this and that which people if its from the government,msm or medical establishment will automatically believe with little to no of their own investigation which is astounding. What I've just said so far had literally proven two of nz top covid experts and government and others as making lies and saying things against people which isn't true and doing misinformation themselves. Its amazing that at this point that their are still people that don't realise what has happened poet last few years and the amount of wrong they have done and we truly believe more and more unavoidable info is and will come out which people are going to have to face, This is far from conspiracy or misinformation and I'm being very matter of fact about very real things that are happening. People still don't understand that anything that is deemed scam, lies,misinformation by medical establishment,Government and media will be taken down and will be hard to find on google,youtube and other place and even though many covid experts and media and government are saying very irresponsible and obvious lies and cover ups and etc all they have to do is label someone misinformation and they'll be discredited. Even if they are an expert in their field and even if they offer to debate and show proof and even if many of them have been proven right over the last few years discredited without a thought and thats a very scary thing. When the overwhelming majority of people with severe effects to the vaccine go Into hospital they are not taken seriously if they even try to bring up that its from the vaccine and many Many many of these people aren't being put down on the Adverse effects and death database and we are not getting to know about most of them. Their is a very real and true silence about this and its like nothing I and others have ever seen in their lives. People do talk about it and do try as I've said but are very rarely taking seriously or given even a chance to prove it. Which is why its a surprise when on the occasional time that the msm actually talk to someone with such experiences. Another guy who was interviewed on NZ msm on NZ herald newspaper was also a young guy from the sth island in NZ who also had a severe adverse effect from vaccine and went through very similar circumstances to others and was also refused an exemption by MOH and ACC also treated him badly (which is supposed to help with money to people who have a work accident or are Harmed or injured or get very sick and can't work) and because of that he continued to work and collapsed at the garage he worked at. If this wasn't on msm no one would believe it and call is disinformation. And btw one of the covid experts on the stuff articles about Casey also said why can't she just contact ACC or other government doesn't make sense why she needs to ask for money on givealittle (even though they wouldn't give her the time of day and weren't taking many off the vaccine injuries seriously especially with so much discredit) Thats what we are dealing with and thats one of the many reasons that so so many people are upset with how Government,medical establishment,media (for the most part) and many others are acting and still so many people still don't understand whats going on and literally think anything they see that they haven't heard of from health authorities,government or media must be made up or lies (even when as I pointed out directly how those very people have lied and contradicted themselves about things that are beyond serious in most cases. And almost all effort to try to say anything counter to them is meet with calls of misinformation even if its proven directly that the callers of misinformation themselves have been partaking in misinformation and its an incredibly insane and terrible situation that these people have caused. Yes we agree people do also say things that are far fetched and over the top but things like what I'm talking about here is not rooted in some sort of conspiracy or so called misinformation and its absurd and insulting to say so. People seem to put everything into one big category of conspiracy or misinformation which is absurd to say the least. Their are so many other things we can list that they have again and again lied about and got wrong and this is beyond just a little lie or mistake. This is extremely serious like we haven't seen likely in our history and is the same in many countries around the world. I remember when drs and others were saying that the over the top obviously insane lockdowns will likely cause more harm then covid itself which were meet with them being called conspiracy and irresponsible amongst other things and now its on even BBC and other msm that health experts and others are alarmed at the huge amounts of excess deaths in the UK and its also happening in NZ,USA,Canada and all over the world and which are likely in part to thousands and thousands of people not being able to get operations and other medical treatments amongst other such things because of lockdowns and also reschedule and missed appointment,operations amongst many other things but is also becoming more and more obvious to many people that its also the vaccines themselves that are causing at least in part excess deaths and this will also likely become common knowledge one day hopefully soon. Many other things that people were called misinformation and conspiracy amongst other things are now coming true but they still are being called the same things. Their are all sorts of other videos and interviews on this video which show whats happening with severe adverse reactions and even deaths from the vaccines and also their is a list (which isn't anywhere near all who have died) of very obvious or likely deaths from the vaccine in NZ. These were shared by their Drs,familes and even lawyers and although just because someone dies after being vaccinated it doesn't mean its necessary from the vaccine,, when you see that many died very soon and suddenly after being vaccinated and many were young and/or healthy and who suddenly went downhill after being vaccinated with very alarming effects then you realise it looked very much like its from the obvious and people again must understand that the overwhelming majority of severe adverse vaccine effects and also deaths are not being taken seriously as from the vaccine and they are making it near impossible to say that the person actually died from the vaccine even if its very obvious. Anyway I'm asking all people to understand that this is very serious and very real situation. I've and others have been reluctant but I personally feel the need to now talk about what I've seen and known about myself no matter what. I've never been against vaccines or anything like that before this but things have changed in the last few years which have truly shaken me and many ,many others. Bless you all

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