Expect some women to be Jealous of your Filipina Wife

3 years ago

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When I married my Filipina wife in 2015, I figured there would be some jealousy towards me from other men. They might be jealous of having a younger wife, a foreign wife, a pretty wife, but it would be a positive thing of admiration with no consequences. Sometimes a guy can be jealous and stop communicating with you, maybe split a friendship and that would be an unfortunate response. I have been told by a couple of guys that they are jealous but it’s in a playful way. What I did not expect was jealousy from other women towards my wife.

I did consider that other women might be jealous of her because she was able to marry a foreigner and be an instant heir to whatever he has to inherit. Or they could think that she didn’t marry for love, she married for money-his and for her to send her money back home. They could doubt her sincerity and motives (not that it’s any of their business). Their premise could be that she is getting something for nothing, that she really didn’t have to earn it. To the foreign husband of a Filipina this likely won’t have a direct effect on you, but it will to your Filipina. They could also be jealous of her intelligence, of her being able to speak two languages.

I have not witnessed any kind of indication any women that I knew previously, are jealous of my wife or feel disdain for her marrying me. They all seem to genuinely like my wife and have not sent out any bad vibes that I married her. The only time a woman I know indicated any concern at all was someone who told me to “be careful”, but at that time she had not met my wife. What has occurred that I didn’t anticipate was women being jealous of my wife. None of them have come up to me and told me they were jealous but I will explain why I think that is the case in this video.

Please watch Expect Some Women to be Jealous of your Filipina Wife

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #FilAmLife #FilAmMarriage

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