Benefits of Iodine | 1 of them will surprise you

1 year ago

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Benefits of Iodine
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Iodine is a very important micromineral, as it is essential in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and essential in the regulation of the body. Fish and shellfish are practically the only food sources of iodine, so people who are allergic to these products should take iodized salt on a regular basis in order to avoid iodine deficiency.

Iodine deficiency causes major health disorders, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, which leads to basal metabolic disorders. Preventing this from occurring has been a major challenge during the 20th century, which is why salt iodization is the major strategy used to prevent iodine deficiency in the population.

There are many benefits of iodine supplementation.

Iodine is necessary for proper thyroid function and thyroid hormones are responsible for maintaining energy metabolism. They stimulate oxidative metabolism in almost all tissues, increasing heat production.

It helps reduce the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries and improves heart rate, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks.

It is essential for pregnant women to consume iodine for the baby's brain to develop properly.

Iodine nourishes the scalp and maintains healthy hair and also prevents hair loss. People with iodine deficiency often suffer from the alopecia and weak hair.

This trace element has the ability to regulate heart rate and blood pressure thanks to the two hormones in which it is involved. Low levels of iodine in the body are associated with increased cardiovascular risk.

A balanced and varied diet is necessary to obtain the full benefits of iodine. Except in pathological cases, there is insufficient evidence to recommend always an increase in iodine intake above the normal.

However, there are diseases that may require monitoring of iodine intake to alleviate the symptoms and severity of the disease itself.

We would like to hear about your own experience with this topic. Leave a comment. Lastly, remember that it is important to talk to your doctor or other professional before beginning any sort of supplementation or treatments. Feel free to contact us if you want us to give you the contact information of professionals who work with our network.


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