Breast Cancer and Mastectomy | What YOU SHOULD KNOW| Exams YOU CAN DO | Prevent it and fight it

1 year ago

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Breast Cancer and Mastectomy
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Cancer grows in the breast tissues when individual cells face mutation at the molecular level. Breast cancer is uncontrolled growth and division of lobules and the ducts in breast tissues. Lobules are glands that produce milk, and ducts which drain the milk from glands to nipples. Cancer can also occur in fatty tissue or fibrous connective tissue within the breast. The uncontrolled cancer cells often travel to lymph nodes under the arms. Through lymph nodes, breast cancer can spread to other sites of the body (metastasis).

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Approximately 50800 women died across the globe due to breast cancer in the year 2011.

Breast cancer is most common in the women population of developed countries. Breast cancer is a preventable and treatable disease if diagnosed early. It can be benign or malignant depending on the type of disease pattern. Physical examination is the first and foremost important step in early detection. Initial presentation can be a lump, pain, swelling, or discharge. The key point in the self-breast examination is to note any unusual change in breast shape, skin texture, like puckering or dimpling, or skin that looks like orange peel. If a woman is experiencing any of such changes then the next step is mammography. Mammography uses a low dose x-ray to see inside the breast. A mammography exam, called a mammogram, helps in the diagnosis of breast disease. Mastectomy is the surgical removal of the cancerous part of the breast in case of advanced-stage cancer. Mastectomy involves either the resection of a lobule or gland in a breast or a breast tissue. When breast cancer is diagnosed initially, your oncologist will give you many options regarding mastectomy, you will need to answer his few queries about lifestyle and mental health post-surgery. So it will be you who will decide either to go for extensive mammalian surgery or removal of a few parts and live under constant fear of recurrence. Radiation with surgery can also be a viable option. Post-mastectomy, breast augmentation plastic, and reconstruction surgery may help in dealing with the psychological effects of mastectomy. Breast cancer treatment strategies involve surgical resection of breast tissues, in some cases, it can be bilateral removal of breasts. Unlike most other surgeries, this is particularly linked to the deteriorating state of mental health. Women feel that their body has been mutilated because of breast cancer and its treatment with options like a mastectomy. Loss of glamor and feelings of depreciation could be present. Post-mastectomy, patients suffers from mood disorders such as hopelessness, anger, constant sad mood, anxiety, low self-esteem. Depression is also commonly found in such patients. Sufferers also fear relapses. There are several ways to improve mental health and psychological recovery if patients underwent treatment options such as mastectomy. Depression and mood-related disorders are leading symptoms that can easily be treated with antidepressants and mood-stabilizing drugs. The American Society of Breast Cancer has launched a program for awareness. One can reach them out.

Some patients find peace in spiritual healing. Losing breasts can lead to a decrease in libido. This reduces the desire for sex as well. Talk to your partner for sexual concerns. Breast cancer awareness month is marked worldwide in October every year. The pink ribbon brand is about this awareness campaign.


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