Is reincarnation a lie from the devil?

1 year ago

Is reincarnation a lie from the devil?
#reincarnation #satan #falseteaching #newagemovement #hinduism
Satan’s Lies About Reincarnation

In the Garden of Eden, Satan seemed to win an impressive victory. Little did he know that it was foreseen by God, and God would use it to serve His purposes.

However, in the temptation and fall of humanity, Satan laid five lies upon Eve either directly or indirectly that form the foundation for false religion. Not only did Satan not want humans to worship God, he wanted humans to in some form worship him. Let’s track the five lies and their resulting religious impulses.

God told Adam that if he ate from the tree, he would “surely die.” Genesis 2: 17, Satan promised Eve, “You surely shall not die.” Satan blatantly contradicted God with this lie. He continues this lie in modern religion with a lie called “reincarnation.”

This false teaching is that souls play a game of musical chairs with various bodies in this world. In this life you are one being, but after death you return as another. The hope is that one moves upward in this cycle and becomes better and better with each new habitation.

Reincarnation is based on the teaching of “Karma,” that everyone gets what he or she deserves. Evil is punished in the next life; and good is rewarded.

Hinduism is the most extreme of this reincarnation/karma system. Everyone is believed to be in one of five levels. There are four castes followed by the outcasts, which are those who were so evil in the previous life that they don’t merit any status in one of the four hierarchical castes.

Don’t be fooled, Christians. Reincarnation and karma are cruel hoaxes of the devil. Imagine saying to the poor or the abused, “You are getting what you deserved from your past life.” Imagine the wealthy and powerful saying, “Our position is deserved because of our past lives’ goodness. The lowly are here to serve us. They must do what we want.”

Jesus says, “Love one another as I have loved you.” The Bible teaches tenderness toward the poor and outcast. It also teaches the responsibility of those blessed with resources and/or poor to share and care.

Reincarnation is the devil’s lie made believable. We don’t want to die. Satan says, “You won’t die.” You are reincarnated according to karma.

Throughout history, man has sought to escape accountability before his Maker and to install himself as his own redeemer and god (see Isaiah 44:24). However, Scripture tells us that no matter how many consecutive attempts are made, human beings can never reach a point of self-righteousness, for we are by our very nature, unholy sinners separated from an infinitely holy God (Isaiah 59:2). This is the reason that it was necessary for God to incarnate Himself into human flesh (John 1:18, Colossians 2:9) to bear the condemnation that our sins have incurred (Isaiah 53:4). Acceptance of the cleansing power of Christ’s Blood in our lives is the only way that we can receive the free gift of salvation (John 1:12). On the other hand, the consequence for rejection of this simple truth is spiritual death (Romans 6:23), not future opportunities through cyclic rebirth.
The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27; "It is appointed to each man once to die and then comes judgment." Contrary to the false promises of reincarnation, this present life is all that we are granted to work with. Beyond the veil of death, the expanse of eternity awaits us all. The decisions that we make now will ultimately determine our place in it.

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