TESTOSTERONE BOOSTER / proven ways to increase your testosterone naturally / + strength + libido

2 years ago

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Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the body. It's responsible for many functions, including muscle growth, bone density, and libido. One of the most important things to note when it comes to testosterone is that there are two different types. The first is "free" testosterone, which is not bound to any other protein in the body, and the second are "bound" hormones, which are bound to a protein. Testosterone levels can be increased or decreased by managing your diet, lifestyle, and environment. For instance, exercise has been shown to increase testosterone levels naturally due to activity-induced endorphins that stimulate the release of testosterone in men. The following are some clinically proven ways to increase testosterone levels naturally: 1. Stay Away From Processed Foods. Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass which helps in increasing testosterone levels. Processed foods instead contain many harmful chemicals that can lead to high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes which all contribute to low testosterone levels. 2. Include Protein Rich Foods In Your Diet. Eating protein rich foods ensures that you consume enough dietary protein in order to meet your daily requirements. As mentioned earlier, protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass which helps in increasing testosterone levels. Some examples of protein rich foods are eggs, beef, chicken breast etc. 3. Drink Plenty and Exercise. Another key component is exercise. We all know that working out helps with weight loss and testosterone increases so it's a good idea to find a workout routine you enjoy doing regularly. There are different types of exercises but cardio related exercise is one that has been shown to be particularly effective in boosting T-levels for men who suffer from low T-levels. 4. Eat Healthy Fats. Studies have shown that men who consume monounsaturated fats had higher levels of testosterone than those who were consuming polyunsaturated fats or saturated fats that are found in animal sources such as dairy products and meats. You can get more monounsaturated fats from avocados or olive oil for example. Cutting out refined sugars and carbohydrates, and instead focusing on lean proteins and healthy fats could do miracles. Adding in nuts and seeds is also a good idea as they contain phytosterols which help with the absorption of zinc, which is essential for natural testosterone production. 5. Light. Exposing yourself to the natural sunlight in the morning is a good way to increase your testosterone levels naturally. It improves your mood and provides vitamin D for the body. 6. Increase Nitric Oxide Levels. Nitric oxide is a molecule that is released by the blood vessels in our body, and it plays a vital role in the regulation of blood flow and pressure. This molecule can help you decrease fatigue, improve energy levels, regulate mood swings, and even boost performance in bed. Increasing nitric oxide levels has been shown to significantly increase testosterone production. We would like to hear about your own experience with this topic. Leave a comment. Lastly, remember that it is important to talk to your doctor or other professional before beginning any sort of supplementation or treatments. Feel free to contact us if you want us to give you the contact information of professionals who work with our network.



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