1 year ago

I am so concerned about people who are being misguided into a completely baseless premise that if they "fix" their posture they can resolve their pain. This has to end now. Watch how logic and theory instantly discredits this philosophy. Posture is not an entity onto itself. Posture is a resultant of the culmination of pulls of muscles that attach to bones. You don't correct posture; you correct the muscle weakness and imbalance leading to improper posture. If this doesn't make sense to you, god bless you and good luck to you.

Think of it this way. You don't believe your kidney, liver or spleen and simply get up and change position, right? Doesn't it then make sense that bone is innate in the same exact fashion. Therefore, bones can't just pick and move on their own. In fact, there is only one tissue that can change itself; muscle. Muscle can get overstretched, become too short, over strengthened, under strengthened. Because of this, bones which are connected to muscle can also therefore be altered in their position. So if a person has forward head and shoulder posture, an increased arch in the lower back or one hip higher then the other, I hope most people would agree that the postural changes are resultants of muscle weakness or imbalance.

Posture is also subconscious. I don't think any person on a daily basis is considering their posture every minute of the day. That is because posture results from the body's attempt to exist against gravity. When muscles are balanced and strong, the bony landmarks that make up the skeleton align and there is good posture. When there is muscle weakness or imbalance, things don't align and present as improper posture.

Now, if pain is being experienced due to muscle weakness and imbalance, it would make sense that the same muscle weakness and imbalance because of the attachment of muscles to bone with also lead to improper posture. Therefore you can conclude that improper posture is not a cause of pain but a symptom, just as pain is of muscle weakness and/or imbalance. This should lead to the conclusion that to resolve the pain and the improper posture, you need to address the muscle weakness and imbalance.

The faction that wants to convince you posture is an entity and you can consciously change it to end pain exists for one reason. The existing medical establishment fails in the majority of cases of pain and therefore there are millions of people seeking an alternative. This one fact is the justification for the existence of what can clearly be seen to be baseless.

It is up to every individual to determine the best path for them to take to resolve their pain and reclaim their life. Trying "treatments" and seeing if they work is not the answer and certainly does not follow the scientific model. You must start with a theoretical understanding that meets logic. Then you must show that empirical evidence proves in a working sense that the theory has an extremely high success rate. Once this has been proven to you, you can fully endorse the use of the method and assume you are going to get the outcome you are seeking. The idea of posture being an entity that can be consciously corrected and will then resolve pain has neither one of these elements of the scientific model.

The Yass Method on the other hand has a complete theoretical justification for its use and almost 30 years of empirical evidence that it is extremely effective; even after people have tried the medical establishment and most of these "alternative" baseless methods. The ball is in your court. Get the Yass Method and get back in the game of life.

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